47. Bunny Junior

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The chapters are gonna be long from here on. Hehe. I tried to write long long chapters after this. This is about double the length of previous chapters, maybe.


Have some more love!

Third POV

Asher could read all the invisible expression on Lucian's face, who was watching Amira climb up on the stool again.

It was clear he wanted to do something about the distance between him and the girls, but he needed to change a lot for them.

The boys never expected him to show his love physically. Weird people because now they're the ones kissing kids' foreheads and hugging the life out of them.

What was he supposed to do when all these two understand is the language of hugs, cuddles and kisses?

He would sue Elijah Verlice for teaching them that, if he could.

"Bunny?" Asher called out, grabbing her attention immediately. Amira was busy fiddling with her fingers.

"Yes?" She asked, looking up hopefully. Maybe Asher wanted her to help with cooking and escape this awkward silence.

"Why don't you tell Lucian about little Bunny? I don't think he's met him before," Asher suggested, smiling sweetly. Amira furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Lucian skeptically.

Why would Lucian want to talk about a stuffie?

"Don't look at me like that," Lucian said, furrowing his eyebrows at the expression on her face. The expression screaming, 'can this guy even do that?'

Amira's head snapped back to face away from Lucian.
"Sorry," she mumbled.

"No!" Lucian said, quickly. "I didn't mean it like that. I meant-" He stopped and let out a low growl. "Asher, please explain."

Asher rolled his eyes and turned to look at Amira.
"He meant it in a, 'Hey! Don't look at me like that. I didn't do anything!' kind of way." He exclaimed that part, showing the joking edge to it.

"Oh," Amira said, her head turning so she could look at Lucian who nodded slowly.

'He could've at least added some emotion or a change in tone would've been enough.' she thought with a mental eye roll.

"Asher bought a small bunny stuffie for me." She said, looking at Lucian and trying to study his expressions. She didn't know how he will take that.

Lucian didn't know what he was supposed to say.
"I'm happy for you."
He settled with that.

Asher rolled his eyes when both of them weren't looking and resisted the urge to facepalm himself.

The correct reply in his opinion was, 'Great! I wanna meet him soon.'

"But he's a little too smug for my liking." She turned to Asher who stifled a laugh.

"Is he?" He asked, making Amira nod. "Then we'll have to make him sit in timeout for that, don't you think?"

"Yes," Amira said, smirking to herself. She loved that stuffie with all her heart, mostly because it smelled like Asher, but it needed to know its limits.

"Are you serious?" Lucian said, flicking his gaze between Amira and Asher.

"Yes," Both of them said, looking at him like he was the one not acting his age.

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