23. Zoning out

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Warning: This chapter might get a little overwhelming and confusing. If this topic triggers you, please don't read it.

"Wakey wakey, kids!"

This voice was different. I lifted my head and saw Rose was already sitting while Damien stood near the balcony doors. He ripped the curtains apart letting the painfully bright sunlight in.

"You said it like, Attention soldiers!" I grumbled, burying my face in the pillow.

"Yes. You could've changed your tone according to your sentence," Rose said, softly, agreeing with me.

I turned my head, so it laid on its side on the pillow. Damien stood there, his hands on his hips and his face had a scowl.

I scowled myself.
"Stop looking at her like that," I gritted.

He looked at me and narrowed his eyes.
"Wake up. We have an appointment today," he said, before moving out.

"Grumpy," I grumbled burying my face in the pillow again.

"I heard that!" He exclaimed, from the hallway.

"That's better!" I yelled back in the same tone.

"It's clear who else is Grumpy!" He said again. His footsteps had stopped.

"Rose is," I said, for no reason at all.

"If Rose is Grumpy then Jayden is gay," he said. A laugh escaped my mouth before I could stop it.

"Hey! Don't drag me in this," Jayden yelled, after we heard a door fly open.

"He totally is," I said, picking my head up from the pillow, so my voice wasn't muffled.

"You're making it obvious," Damien said, letting out a chuckle.

"Be proud of yourself, Jayden," I yelled before slamming my head down on the pillow again.

All I got in return was an annoyed grumble.

Rose giggled a little and walked into the bathroom.

Anything to hear her laugh.

I smiled into the pillow and sighed.

'Her laugh will kill you both. Trust them and they will hurt you.'

They won't. I won't let anyone hurt Rose.

'What about yourself? What if she teams up with them and hurts you too?'

She won't.

"What? It hurts? Should've thought before doing what you did. Do you go to school to hook up?" Lucas yelled from behind me, while I cried into my hands.

I gasped when I felt the knife on my back.

"Let's carve slut here, shall we?" He asked, lifting my shirt up to reveal my back.

"You will think twice before even looking at a guy. Bitches don't deserve that kind of attention," he said, digging the knife in. I hissed in pain, bunching up my shirt in my lap.

The doorbell rang, causing him to pull away.
"A bitch is lucky today."

He never got to carve that word into my skin.

"Wake up, Levi," Rose said, softly. I woke up with a gasp.

She was standing a few feet away, in the warm sunlight.

"What?" She asked, turning to me. "Were you seeing things again?"

I said something but it came out muffled and total gibberish.

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