15. Bruise

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"I have," I said, looking him in the eyes victoriously.

His eyebrows furrowed and he understood it quickly.

"Damien left a bruise?" He asked, with a sadistic look on his face as he clenched his jaw and his expressions turned hard.

"He did," I smirked. "So, legally, we can still leave and get out of your hair. Thanks for all the favors. I'll pay you back." I stated, tilting my head to the side.

He looked at me for a moment, taking in a deep shaky breath, while I took that moment to cheer myself internally for saying that to his face. Rose would be proud.

He grabbed his phone, trying to break it by how hard his grip was.
"Be home in five," he gritted into the phone and hung up immediately.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes before turning to stare at the wall.
"He didn't mean to hurt you."

'God! I didn't mean to slap you Amira. You just annoyed me too much.'
Lucas said it the first time he slapped me when I was ten.

"Every abuser has that excuse," I shrugged, my voice turning cold. "Besides, he doesn't want us here."

"Why would you think that?" Lucian said, failing to keep the disbelief hidden.

"Does threatening to kill Rose if we chose you, count as not wanting us here?" I mocked.

"Did he say that?" Lucian asked. From the looks of it, he didn't believe me. Not one bit.

I shrugged.
"There was a note in the stuff Father bought for us. Damien brought that up to our room."

"How can you blame him without any proof?" Lucian said, sounding extremely offended. "Damien might have trouble controlling his anger but he's not what you're imagining him to be."

"If he can do what all he did in the past days, I don't know what he's capable of."

Silence fell in the room, save for the fast beating of my heart, ringing in my ears.

Lucian is powerful. He could pull some strings and keep us here.

'Then they will hurt you and Rose.'

The silence vanished When Lucian started speaking.
"I know I shouldn't be saying this from his side. He acted out of anger, but he never meant to hurt you. Anything could've happened when you were roaming around without his knowledge and he got furious. He didn't mean to hurt you."

"He didn't have a right to do that when we made it clear that you guys weren't allowed to even touch us," I stated, not looking at him.

"Okay," he said, sighing again. I looked at him to find him deep in thoughts. "He hurt you physically and you can report it to Miss Wilson when she arrives tomorrow. If you really want to leave, I will arrange a home for you to live in."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Did he just offer to let us go that easily?

"I'm sorry for what he did," Lucian said, shocking me. His voice was still void of any emotions and his face void of any expressions. "But I can ask for a chance."

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