10. Father

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I sat on my desk chair while Rose sat on the bed. She watched me tap my foot anxiously, staying completely silent, waiting for me to explain.

I looked at her, to find her looking at me curiously. She sat straighter when I lifted my gaze to meet hers.

"Father was here," I began, watching her eyes go wide.

"Did you meet him?" She asked. I nodded.

"Lucian didn't want me to though. I don't know what is going on between them," I said, then continued with whatever Father said downstairs.

"So, we're going on a picnic with him to decide who we want to live with," Rose stated in disbelief.

"Yes. Our decision would be final," I said, feeling quite nervous.

"What do you think?" Rose asked, her gaze falling to my chest, where the bruise was.

"I don't know. I don't trust anyone," I said, clenching my jaw and looking away.

"Me neither," She muttered. "But we have to choose between Father and brothers."

"It'd depend on what Father does tomorrow," I said. I stood up from the chair.

I don't want to live here. The brothers have just turned me against them till now. I don't know about Rose. But the separating us, Damien scaring Rose then doing what he did today has made me completely against the idea of living here.

"Lunch!" Asher called out, really loudly from downstairs. I sighed and stood up waiting for Rose to finish tying her hair.

She slipped her hand in mine and we started walking to the kitchen.

Everyone was already there and seated.

Lucian was seated at the head of the table, as always. Asher sat on one side while Jayden and Josiah sat on the other. Damien was not here, which I was thankful for.

Rose tightened her grip on my hand, probably already nervous she has to sit beside Asher.

I looked at Lucian to find him already staring at me, studying my reaction.

Well. Since Damien wasn't here, we have the chance to sit together. So I made my way towards the opposite side of the table going to sit beside Asher, in the middle. Rose sat on the other side, nervously.

Lucian didn't say anything about it.
"No exchange of food," He reminded.

"Did you go through everything you bought, sweetheart?" Asher asked from beside me.

I shook my head, not looking at him.

"Did you set up your laptop?" Josiah asked, looking at Rose. Rose shook her head.

"We didn't open the boxes," She said, softly.

Josiah frowned and looked at Lucian.

It was clear from the tension that everyone knew about what happened.

"Be on your best behavior tomorrow. Don't think if you're not around one of your brothers, you'll get away with everything." Lucian gave me a pointed look. Rose grabbed my hand immediately, providing every little amount of comfort she could.

I looked down at my food and started eating.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

That statement applied to today too, when just as we were about to go to bed, a knock sounded on the door.

Just after the knock, the door opened and a very tired looking Damien entered the room. And when I say very tired, I mean very tired.

"Get out!" I snapped, as soon as he stepped in. He looked at me, a glare almost formed on his face, but he took a deep breath and dropped the scary look.

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