25. Stinky Butt

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'When you say nothing at all' by Ronan Keating.
This song kinda sums up everything Elijah Verlice believes. He's the first person that comes to my mind when I listen to this song.

"Come on. I don't want to be late because of you," Jayden snapped, from the door. I lowered my hand from my mouth and was about to turn around and walk out when I was stopped.

"Bye Bunny. All the best for the session," Asher said, walking over to where we were standing. He maintained his distance and stood beside Lucian. "Pretend I kissed your forehead."

Do it.

I stared at him for a moment, a smile tugging at my lips. It almost appeared but thankfully stayed hidden. He furrowed his eyebrows with a confused smile on his face.

His eyebrows raised in surprise, before he nodded, like he got it.

Moving forward, he got his hands out of his sweatpants pockets and raised them to hold both sides of my face.

I clenched my hands so I don't flinch, when his hands touched me. I didn't.

He pressed his lips to my forehead and kept them there for two seconds before pulling away with a smile.
"Baby steps," he said, referring to the flinching.

His smile widened when I nodded and a small smile appeared on my face despite my will to keep it hidden.

Lucian's face was mostly emotionless with a hint of a scowl on his face as he looked at Asher.

Jayden had his mouth hung open, while Josiah was glaring at Asher. Damien had his usual scowl.

Asher acted unbothered but from the looks of it, he was enjoying it.

Meanwhile, I blushed red from embarrassment. Why do they have to make such a big deal out of it?

"Did she just let you touch her when she's not having an episode?" Jayden asked, pointing his index finger at me.

"Yes. So what?" Asher deadpanned, standing there coolly.

"So, Asher, keep your kisses to yourself. We got it that you guys are already so close." Jayden said, clenching his jaw.

I wish this ground would just swallow me whole.

"No need to rub it in our face," Damien grumbled to himself.

I rolled my eyes, which thankfully no one saw and moved to the door.

"If you actually tried, you wouldn't have to be jealous right now. Get access to your brains first, idiots," Asher said, behind me.

That was savage and I love him more for it.

Slamming the door open and successfully getting Jayden's attention, I walked out.

Jayden followed thankfully. I stopped near the car, peeking in to see if there was a driver.

"I'm driving," Jayden said, opening the passenger side door for me.

I climbed in and did my seatbelt watching Jayden walk to the driver's side of the car. He climbed in and started the car after getting settled.

"Remember what Lucian said," he said. I rolled my eyes and snorted.

"Watch it," Jayden said, before continuing. "Be respectful. To the therapist and to everyone we meet."

I sighed and looked out. The trees blurred due to the high speed of the car.

'All they care about is their reputation. That's all.'

"Where's your phone?" He asked, after a while of silence. I pulled it out of my overalls pocket and waved it in the air before him.

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