12. Decision

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"We'd like to go live with our father," I said, not looking at anyone except the social worker.

Silence followed what I said. I looked up and glanced at our brothers, who were all staring at the floor while standing with their arms crossed.

Father stood up and smiled widely.
"Are you serious?" He asked, looking between me and Rose.

"Alright," Claire said, as she wrote something on the papers before her.

"When are they leaving?" Lucian asked, looking up at her with a cold glare.

'He's so eager about you leaving.'

"Anytime they want."

"By evening?" Father asked, to which I shrugged.

Lucian looked at my reaction and nodded. He looked at the excited older man, then at the door and started walking.

Damien was glaring at the floor with his fists clenched so hard, I was preparing myself for the sound of a crack.

The boys walked out one by one, without looking up from the floor.

"Okay, kids. I'll see you in the evening," Father said, smiling sweetly before nodding at the social worker, who was getting ready to leave.

Father led her out. He turned to us, standing in the open door.
"I can't wait to spend time with my daughters." He smiled at us, before leaving.

My shoulders dropped a little. I really wish this is a good decision.

I turned around to see Rose standing there, looking at the door. She shifted her gaze to me.

"I've never been so doubtful about something. It feels like-" She cut me off to complete my sentence.

"Like you're stuck between the two choices and they're pulling you with equal force and you're afraid of making the wrong move," She said.

"Yeah," I said, sighing and looking at the stairs.

"Don't stress about it, Levi," Rose said, making me nod.

Besides, it'll take just a few days to know what we've stepped into but I really hope it's better than anything. As selfish as it sounds. I've just gotten out of one sad pit and I don't really want to fall into another.

I started walking up the stairs, towards our room.

Once there, I closed the door and watched as Rose sat on the bed.

"He sounds so much like Dad," She said, almost hesitantly.

"Yeah. He reminds me of him," I muttered, before thinking.

"I hope he is like him," She said.

Father wasn't really home and since we were five when we last saw him we don't remember much. But now that we're seeing him and how he's behaving, we know he's being good so far. He's acting so much like Dad, it's getting painful with the memories swirling in my mind.

A knock on the door made me jump, as Rose stopped her movements to look at the door.

"Yes?" I asked, loudly. The door opened to reveal Asher.

"Did you start packing, sweetie?" He asked, looking at me with a smile.

"No. We don't have anything to pack." I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"What?" He frowned as he entered the room and shut the door behind him softly.

"We don't have anything to pack," I repeated.

"There's a whole closet," He stated, pointing his hand towards the closet.

"That was your money," I muttered. Now that we're leaving, we shouldn't take the stuff.

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