4. Levi

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'This' means it is something that was said or happened in the past or a nightmare.

'This' is what the voice in Levi's head is saying.


"Will you be okay, Rose?" I asked, as she laid down and I pulled the desk chair towards the bed.

"Yes. Only if you rest too." She said, with a pointed look that almost looked cute on her. Almost.

"Okay. But I won't be able to sleep." I said, sighing and standing up.

Climbing in on the other side, I remained half laid down and half sat.

"Lay down, Levi." Rose commented. "I thought I wouldn't get any sleep, I still slept for a good three hours."

"Okay." I complied.

"Thank you." She said, turning her head to give me a sweet smile.

"Never thank me again." I said, knowing why she was thanking me.

She just shook her head and stared at the ceiling.

I tried not to sleep, but the exhaustion from the night hit me like a bitch. The comparatively softer bed did not help.

I stayed awake till one hour more then I drifted off, despite trying not to. Rose was asleep within minutes.

"Who got lesser points in the quiz?" Lucas asked, looking between me and my twin.

"Me." I said, stepping forward and pushing Rose behind me.

"Okay. Go to your room." He said, dismissing both of us. Rose shrugged and started walking away. I stood there for a second longer, looking at the evil smirk on his face.

I turned my head. Rose was already walking upstairs.

"Meet you in five." He said, still smirking.

I took a deep breath and walked out of there. Just as I reached the hallway that had our rooms, I saw Rose walking into her room. She popped her head out and smiled.

"Goodnight, Levi." She said, smiling.

I smiled back.
"Goodnight, Rose. "

Her smile got wider as she shut the door softly. I moved forward and locked her door from outside, quietly.

She never knew about this. She never knew I locked the door then unlocked it every single night. She's too oblivious for her own good.

I walked into my room, feeling numb and helpless.

I've thought of running away, but who would feed us. Rose needs a normal home and she has it. If we run away, we will have to suffer. She can't live a life so hard.

Sacrifices are necessary. I'd have to sacrifice something so the happiness stays.

I lose it all if I don't. If I'm happy, Destiny finds a way to ruin that for both of us. I was happy when we lived both of our parents, they divorced and our custody was given to Mom. When I was happy with my Mom, she got married and we got introduced to Lucas. Then I was happy with my parents, God took Mom away. I managed to find happiness again, with my Dad's help, he left too.

Now Rose is happy with a normal life and I'm happy to see her happy. It just take some compromises and sacrifice. That's all.

I walked into Lucas' room and shut the door quietly. I stood in the middle of the room, waiting for him to come and get this over with.

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