: ̗̀➛ Chapter 26

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"You know, you're not a zombie killer so please don't even think of doing what you are thinking right now." Nam-ra blurted out after giving the signals to the group inside of the recording studio, watching Hee-seul's reflection through the transparent glass.

"What am I even thinking?" Hee-seul responded as she twirl what used to be the broken mop on her fingers and to her other hand, testing the stick on her grip.

After spending her time sharpening the end of the stick, it became a makeshift weapon ready for her to use. It might not be strong enough to kill a zombie but it could ward them off-- something like bringing lemon in a sword fight. One thing Hee-seul learned from her Uncle is to never go on a battle without a gun.

As the other guys' message echoes all over the campus, Nam-ra turns around to face Hee-seul, leaning her waist on the table while crossing her arms on top of her chest, "Don't engage unless we needed to."

Hee-seul scoffed, catching the stick with one one, "My blood is literally boiling right now and I can barely suppress it. Not only I can't eat gummy bears but this whole zombie apocalypse is really testing my patience. I'm getting thirsty for blood, Nam-ra and if I don't let this out, I'm afraid I'll burst. I never really like suppressing my anger." because I'll become a different person when I had too much. Hee-seul decided to left the last sentence out, "And I'm the kind of person that would rather die trying. My pride is too high to die without girlbossing the problems."

Nam-ra sighs, reaching out one of her hand to hold Hee-seul's, "Okay, you do have a point. I suppose we can't really hold ourselves from doing something that we know will protect us but let's try not to die. You're the only person that I think I can wholeheartedly call as my best friend."

Hee-seul smirked at this, "So we're on that level already?"

Nam-ra rolls her eyes, "We're friends for nearly a year now, don't you consider me as your best friend when I literally know all of your dirty secrets."

Hee-seul's eyes travels from Nam-ra's past to her shoulder and stops at Su-hyeok who's looking at them in confusion. The former raises an eyebrow at him and he had the audacity to mouth 'why?' at her. However, Hee-seul just smirked at him before turning back to Nam-ra, interlacing their fingers together, "You know, if you're that attached to me, you could ditch Lee Su-hyeok and let's get married instead. I could punch stronger than him, anyway."

Nam-ra laughs at her, used at her playful flirty antics, something that she's proud to say that she's one of those carefully picked person that could witness it, "Wu-jin's really trying hard to get you back, though. As much as I don't care about them, I kind of starting to like them--- maybe a bit."

Hee-seul playfully drop Nam-ra's hand, "Then he should try harder. I'm not that easily swayed so good luck to him."

"But really, Moon. You should really try giving him a chance. I can see that he's really genuine about his feelings towards you," Nam-ra stated, "Let's live this life without regret."

"Oh-ho, it kind of smells fruity in here~" Dae-su says in sing-song voice as the others walks out of the recording studio, "We're done, Pres."

Nam-ra nodded, turning around to start messing with the audio console, adjusting it with hands that knows what to do. When the Class President turn her head while looking up, all of them follow her line of sight.

"What's wrong?" Su-hyeok asks after a few seconds of waiting for the speaker to create a sound.

"Why isn't it working?" Wu-jin asks after hearing his bestfriend sighs.

"Beats me."

Nam-ra blink, turning to look at something from the complicated set-up of the console. She was about to press something when a soft melody plays from the speaker, reaching their ears that made them to raise their eyebrows.

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