: ̗̀➛ Chapter 10

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The screams and cries subsided but it was replaced by the animalistic growls and snarls of the cannibalistic creatures outside of the lab and Hee-seul could almost conclude that students and staffs in this school has succumb to the virus. There are occassional shrills of help but it was immediately replaced by the snarls.

"Yah, Hee-seul," Kyung calls the girl, his back leaning on the table while both of the guys watches the girl in curiosity, "Get down there, you might fall."

Hee-seul had climbed to the top of the cabinet pushed to the wall, kneeling infront of the window as she peeks out. She's been on that cabinet for more than 10 minutes but she's not doing anything nor saying something.

In Hee-seul's defense, the reason she's doing this is to assess the situation. Kyung is right, humans can't live without food and water, Hee-seul can't live without sweets. She could feel her energy depleting due to the absence of sugar in her system. Yes, she's overreacting.

"Come on, Hee-seul. We can't just leave. There's zombies on the other side of the door," Min-jun tried to talk her down but got ignored.

They thought that she's going to go down when she moves away from the window to only got discouraged when she suddenly pick up a glass tube from its rack. Without much of a thought, Hee-seul's hand then reach towards the window, sliding it open which made the two guys flinch and jolted up from the chair.

"Yah, Hee-seul!" Both Kyung and Min-jun whispered-yelled to the guy.

Hee-seul, who seems pissed due to the frown etched on her face sharply turn her head towards the duo, sliding the window close, "What?"

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" Kyung ordered her sternly, eyes sharp to the point that Hee-seul nearly obeyed but she's Hee-seul and she always do whatever the heck she wants.

"I just need to see something," Hee-seul answered.

Min-jun crosses his arms, "And what do you want to see?"

Hee-seul sat on her feet, twisting her body so she would be looking at them, "There's this thing in movies, the zombies are different from each plot. There are some that could run fast, there are some that only walks, and there are some that couldn't hear. You know, in every survival movie, they have to assess what adversity they're facing so they will able to strategize more accurately?"

Kyung sighs because of this, walking towards the girl to pull her down and away from the window. Min-jun grabs the glass vial from her hand, making sure to place it away from her reach.

"And there's this thing called waiting for rescue to come before we start doing anything." Kyung told her softly, pushing her down to the chair.

"That's called stalling." Hee-seul corrected him.

"We can't do anything, Hee-seul. We can fight but one bite will end it all. We're not immortals and this is not a game nor movie. We can't respawn nor there's no director that could yell 'cut' when it's all good. This is reality and one mistake could mean the end for all of us." Kyung tried to explain what he wanted to say as eloquent as he could. Hee-seul's not a child but she's stubborn as hell like one.

"None of our calls are getting through. Uncle and Granpa weren't even answering my calls," Hee-seul reasoned out, "And I can't stay here knowing the risk of this killer outbreak could have reached the city too. Yeongie and Wonnie are smart but they're just children."

"Let's just wait for a couple of hours, okay?" Kyung grabs her wrist, pulling up the sleeves of her leather jacket to show the smartwatch clasped on her wrist, "They're green, meaning, the twins are safe."

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