: ̗̀➛ Chapter 20

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When the moon rests and the sun comes out again to signifies another day, Hee-seul stirs from her position, eyes moving behind her closed eye lids as the darkness got devoured by a warm tone light. The sun rays seeping through the broken window casts an orange-y tone on the whole room, illuminating their face and warming their body from the night long coldness.

Hee-seul's eyelids begins to open, her eyelashes fluttering as her eyebrows scrunches when the light hits her sensitive eyes. She blinks, letting her vision to adjust at the sudden change of setting. The first thing that greeted her was the faint animalistic noises filling her ears, knocking the sleepiness on her system as she was suddenly reminded of their whole ordeal.

Her head lifted from where it's resting, moving it from side to side while her hand lays on her neck. The uncomfortable position leaves an aching on her back and neck. She was about to stretch when it hits her--- the warmth and pressure on her waist. Her head snap to a particular direction, her eyes being blessed by a visual that could fit the description of perfection. Warm tone skin, long lashes, high bridge nose, sharp jawlines, and lips as red as freshly picked cherry. Although it's a little cracked from the lack of hydration, Hee-seul cannot help but to stare and gulp.

Realization dawned on her when Wu-jin stirs from his sleep, his arms that was wrapped around her waist tightens and pulling her closer to his body. His head that was originally leaned on the cabinet and facing her turned to the side, nose crunching as he fell asleep again. Hee-seul slaps herself for losing her cool for a second, her eyes snapping in front when she heard a soft snickers.

"What?" Her eyebrows raises, glare directed at Min-jun who was sitting with both of his knees tucked in front of his chest, his arms laying flat on top of his knee cap. A mischievous smile etched on his lips, feline-like eyes shinning in mischief and menace.

"Dude, it's literally 5:30 in the morning and the moment you wake up, you're already giving your lover boy a love-sick look. What a simp," Min-jun snickers.

Pulling one of her foot closer to her, she removes her white sneakers to throw it Min-jun's direction. Normally, Hee-seul has a good aim but maybe it was the fact that she just woke and slightly disoriented because the shoe fly to the wrong direction, changing course and hit the sleeping Kyung on the legs instead. The taller guy flinches, head snapping up as his eyes scans the whole surrounding for any danger but instead of zombies, his eyes landed at Hee-seul across from him. The girl's widened eye is enough for him to know what's happening.

"It was Min-jun!"

"It's Hee-seul!"

Both of them said in unison, pointing at each other accusingly. Kyung heave a sigh, eyes rolling back at the back of his head as he can already see the stressful day ahead.

"Hee-seul can't you sit properly? I could literally see under your skirt from here." Kyung sternly chided her, looking straight at her eyes and not daring to look down.

"So? It's shorts. See?" she lifted her skirt to show that she's indeed wearing a safety short in the same length as her skirt. They already see her on two piece swimsuit so why would a safety shorts embarrass her?

Kyung gritted his teeth while Min-jun tries to muffle his laugh behind his palm because he's afraid that the former's attention will turn to him. Biting the collar of his varsity jacket, Kyung tugs down the zipper, removing it from his body before throwing it hard at the girl's direction.

He's an athlete of multiple sports, not only for long tennis so his aim is pretty good compare to others so the jacket hit Hee-seul straight on the face followed by her shoes.

"It's too late now, you know?" Hee-seul stated but due to the glare directed at her, she simply places it on top of her bare legs. She slipped back her shoes, the arm wrapped around her totally forgotten.

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