: ̗̀➛ Chapter 34

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"Gwi-fucking-nam?" Hee-seul blurted the name with full disgust, meeting Nam-ra's eyes that portrays the same confusion she feels.

The tarpaulin was ripped away from them, causing the zombies to swarm as they tries to attack and sink their teeth on fresh flesh. Su-hyeok, Kyung, and Min-jun became very busy in fighting the zombies, leaving Cheong-san alone with Gwi-nam.

Hee-seul's forehead creases, noticing how the zombies run past Gwi-nam when he's basically standing at the middle of them. Her eyes scans the bully, stopping on his neck as the memory of him falling from the window and snapping his neck flashes back to her.

"Nam-ra---" her statement was lost on her mind when she saw red veins appearing on Nam-ra's eye, seemingly creeping around her eye and coming out like a bruise.

Hee-seul's head tilted to the side, the sound of the zombies and fighting below her become muffled as her brain process new informations.

Gwi-nam grab Cheong-san on his shoulder, the latter groaning in pain as his nails digs on his skin.

"Give me your eye, huh?" Gwi-nam said through gritted teeth, smirking as he watch the lad trembles in front of him.

He grab Cheong-san's face, thumb nearing his eye but a hand grab him on the neck, forcing the bully to rip himself off Cheong-san.

His neck cracks as Nam-ra hold him off the railings, both hands grabbing the girl's wrist in hope of removing her grip from his neck. He groans, gasping for air as he try to trash around the Class President's visceral grip.

"What the fuck?" he cannot help but to grunt when he saw who's choking him, not believing that the girl held so much power that she's practically holding him up with one hand.

"Why didn't you die?" Nam-ra said with so much fury, her red eye glaring  deadly at the bully yet the latter only responded with a grunt as his neck begins to crack terribly. With one last thrust, Nam-ra throws Gwi-nam down the stairs, his body falling on top of the tarpaulin as it swallow him out of their sight.

Min-jun's eyes caught Hee-seul's frozen figure after he throws a zombie down the stairs, seeing that the lass has her head tilted with a far off expression while looking at Nam-ra gave it away. He knows that look-- she always have that look when the gears on her mind starts to spin and her brain beginning to connect the dots. What could she possibly solve this time?

Too distracted at the girl, he didn't notice the zombie charging towards him. The next he knew, a wood was already stucked on its neck, the blood spraying around them as some of it even stain his white longsleeves inside his blazer. He turns around, seeing Kyung beside him holding the other end of the spear as he kicks the zombie on the stomach, the creature rolling down the stairs as Kyung pull the spear simultaneously, blood dripping on the sharp end of it.

"Thank you," Min-jun pats Kyung on the shoulder, the latter's glare immediately softens as he nodded.

"Why are you even being stupid at the middle of zombies?" Kyung sneered at him.

Min-jun gestures to the top of stairs with his head to which Kyung follows his line of sight.

He sighs, "I think she figures something out. Come on,"

The both of them jogs up the stairs just as On-jo announces that door is finally unlocked. She swings it open, the harsh wind greeting them as all of them begins to pile out to the rooftop.

Wu-jin turns around, immediately grabbing Hee-seul's wrist as he takes her with him, the others following closely.

"Look! A chopper!" Joon-yeong screams over the loud sound caused by the propeller rotating around, the mixture of small rocks with dust and the wind caused by the helicopter's propeller made their eyesight blurry.

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