: ̗̀➛ Chapter 47

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Hee-seul is livid. To say that she's mad is an understatement from the darkness and anger enveloping her heart, making her head cloudy from thinking before acting.

She's seeing red-- both figuratively and literally as everything plays in front of her in a hazy mess, her limbs seems to be in auto-pilot as she doesn't even have a control by the way she wield her makeshift weapon. What she was holding was the handle of a mop, supposedly not deathly but by the way she was spinning it before skewering the zombies on their eyes or their neck, it doesn't even look like the old broken mop from the music room anymore.

The seniors and her friends watches her as she murder those walking/running dead, mentally wondering how can this girl who seems so fragile and silent holds so much power to kill the creatures that until now, they still fear.

Min-jun knew that her anger is dangerous and in another level, witnessing the brutality it entails but he would never knew that she can literally kill because of her anger. Maybe, it was because they were not humans anymore that she finds it easy to kill them without remorse or she could really do that even without the virus, he will never know. He had witnessed her violent nature thus why she had to see a mental health professional but he didn't believe that this is another factor why she was deemed detrimental by her own stepmother.

Wu-jin was frozen on his spot, unable to identify whether he would cry and empathize with her or he will fear her. Nonetheless, his heart cries for the girl. Would she be that affected if he was the one who left?

Mi-jin's eyes travels from the girl to the wooden piece of mop she was holding, seeing the same makeshift weapon that the raging girl is wielding but somehow, it wasn't the same.

So-ju didn't know what causes this girl to act like this to the point that she didn't recognize that it wasn't a human she was fighting right now and one bite could end it all for her but he knew that she's the same age of her daughter and she should survive just like the rest of them.

Min-jun snapped from his reverie when Hee-seul was pulled on the other side of the net, the zombies swarming around her but he was quick to slam his weapon on the zombies' head with much vigor as the metal clangs everytime it hits a skull. Su-hyeok and Cheong-san were the next to snap and help the duo from the swarming cannibals.

Wu-jin escaped his sister's grasp, running towards the net to pull Hee-seul back to their side and away from the deathly claws of those monsters.

"Are you okay?" the lad immediately checks every part of her limbs for any bite mark or scratch when he pulled her just enough for the zombies to not reach them, his hands doing a final check as he cups her cheeks to look at her bloodied face, wipping the blood that splattered on her face with the hem of his sleeves, "You shouldn't just let the blood in your mouth or eyes. What if it's enough to infect you?" I  can't lose you - he said mentally.

A torch flew over their head, catching the zombies attention as they followed where it landed.

"Step back!" Su-hyeok told the boys as the zombies staggers away from them, more interested with the burning stick than the fresh meat fighting them.

"Let's go!"

Ha-ri pushes Mi-jin to follow the others running towards the entrance to the forest, turning around to where her brother is. She rushes towards them, helping Wu-jin as the both of them held the emotionless girl up and guided her out of the tennis court, "Come on, let's run now."

"Min-jun," the lass' head whips back with the absence of her best friend.

"I'm right behind you. Come on, just run, Seul-ah." Min-jun spoke from behind her.

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