: ̗̀➛ Chapter 16

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"Maybe they're drawn to smell?"

"They'll go after you like crazy,"

"I don't smell,"

The conversation plays in the background as Hee-seul spaces out again, eyes staring out and scanning the chaotic blood bath called the field. The is blowing the hair framing her face as she watch the zombies tumbles on their own feet.

At that exact moment, she wonders how it felt to be like them. To roam mindlessly around the field with nothing but food on mind. Will she become like them? Why does it feels tempting?

"I think they're more sensitive to sounds than anything."


"We're not in a movie."

Are they not? Hee-seul felt her whole like she's a character in a drama-- no not the main female lead but the antagonist. Her life story is really pushing her out to be the worse version of herself. Being the illegitimate daughter of a business tycoon? A bad reputation? Bad step mother? A mother that doesn't really care about her well-being? No wonder why antagonist with this character arc goes insane. This is a next level emotional trauma.

"Hee-seul ah," A voice broke her out from her reverie. Although she didn't turn around to know the person that called her, she could already guess who it is.

Su-hyeok stops beside her, quiet close than she would normally want as he place his hand on the frame of the broken window, "Are you okay?"

Hee-seul sighs, "For the nth time, Lee Su-hyeok, I'm not going to tell you what Nam-ra wants in a guy."

The lad sheepishly scratches his nape, "I'm genuinely concern about you. I didn't ask if you're okay just because I want something from you."

The shorter girl turns to face him, eyes looking up due to their height difference but the lad almost couldn't keep up when she met his eyes. There's just something on Hee-seul's eyes, something that intimidates the people looking at them. Maybe because it's void of emotion? Like a black hole in colorful space--- dead and cold. It's scary because once you look at her eyes, you can feel yourself get suck into the dark abyss of nothingness where despair foster. Her eyes looks dead.

"Nam-ra thinks you like me."

Su-hyeok sputtered at her sentence, eyes gravitating naturally to the girl of his heart. He didn't expect that she's already looking at them, the lass smiling at him slightly before turning away like she'd seen something she doesn't want to see but make it unnoticeable, "But I don't... Well, no offense. You're beautiful but Nam-ra's a literal goddess in my he---"

"I don't care and I don't want to hear your sappy love confessions. If you keep approaching me and showing everyone that you cared about me, Nam-ra will think the other way. She'll distance herself and you'll never gonna have a chance on her." Hee-seul cut him off rather coldly but she got to the point that her social battery is nearly at its drained level. Too much interaction today is exhausting her and it's not even evening yet.

"But I cared for you?" Su-hyeok nearly face palmed himself because it came out as a question, "You're my friend so naturally, I will be worried about you."

Hee-seul scoffed, amusement swimming on her eyes, "Friend?" she asks, "What makes you think we're friends, Lee Su-hyeok? I think you're seeing it in different light. It's clearly one sided and I don't ask you to be my friend."

Su-hyeok clearly looked betrayed as he blink, "What? We've literally work on a project together and you're saying we're not friends? We've hanged out together!"

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