: ̗̀➛ Chapter 04

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There is something Hee-seul hates with burning passion other than the whole concept of going to school and being forced to subdue her inner urge of punching everyone that annoys her, it is being scolded.

It's not only tiring to stand straight for the whole period of lecturing but they're not elementary students anymore so she can't see any reason for them to get scolded. And to think that the reason why they were scolding them happened outside of the school premises.

"Why is it when something happens, it is always you three?" Ms. Park asks the trio, both of her hands are on top of her waist as she paces back and forth in front of them, "You are students from this school. You are wearing your uniforms and technically, you're taking the name and dignity of this school."

The three, however, didn't even look like they were guilty and regretting their actions. If anything, they look so bored and sleepy. The teachers inside the faculty didn't even care. They knew the unfair system of this school and they knew that once again, this case will be forgotten like what happened to those cases before. Those cases were even more worse than what they have done. They're just being scolded because it happened outside of the school and the police reported it to them. They're scared of tainting the name of the school when in the first place, there's not much image to taint.

"I don't want to hear that you three were included in trouble outside and inside of the school premises again," Ms. Park sighs defeatedly, giving up because of the look of disinterest in the students face, "However, I can't just let the three of you to get away without proper punishment, you will need to—"

However, her statement got cut off by a loud voice, "Moon Hee-seul, my precious student!"

It was the school principal, walking in a hurried pace to reach the trio and the professor. Hee-seul's face scrunches, wanting to get out of the faculty immediately rather than to deal with this plastic principal.

"There's no need to scold them, Ms. Park. All is well," the Principal chuckles, beckoning the righteous teacher to let it go.

"They need to be punished for their wrong doings or else it will just get worse." Ms. Park tries to reason out but the Principal is already ushering the trio out.

"You three can go," he said to them, voice so cheerful to the point that it is sickening, "And Moon Hee-seul," he stops the girl, "Tell your mother that the investment she made for the renovation and expansion of the auditorium is well received."

Hee-seul didn't even bother to hide the way her eyes roll, turning around sharply and following the two boys out of the faculty room.

"What a poor excuse of a principal," Hee-seul sneered as they navigate themselves out of the sea of students in the hallway doing their own assigned chores since it's general cleaning day, "Money could really control anyone even if you're in a respected position."

"So, your stepmother investing in the school project means that the news already got to her," Kyung stated, a small smirk finding its way on his lips, "She must be super stressed right now because you did something again."

"So? Let her get stressed, I just hope she gets wrinkles," Hee-seul responded.

Min-jun snorted, "I doubt she even worries about you getting in trouble, it is more like worrying about the image of your family."

"After the stunt you pulled in England I'm sure she will always be nagging on your back," Kyung agreed.

Her stepmother opposes everything she wants so as a kind daughter, she does everything to get on her nerves. She had controlled her whole life and it's just right to have the life she wants now that she can make decisions.

"As if going to the bar every night and picking up random guys just so she could satisfy the itch on her body wasn't destroying our image," Hee-seul rolled her eyes. Her family affairs are so complicated that she didn't even want to partake. Even the twins, who are six years olds and supposed to be enjoying their childhood, learned that escaping the household is better than stressing over the problems, "Anyway, what room were we assigned again?"

"Arts Room." Kyung responded.

"Ahh," Hee-seul groaned, "let's finish this fast so we can go home early. I'm too lazy to do this shit."

"You're lazy in everything that is related to cleaning so no wonder," Min-jun commented that earned him a punch on the shoulder by the girl.

"How about we play a game and the winner gets to skip cleaning?" Hee-seul suggested and by just looking at each other, they throw their hands in front of them in unison.

The next place they found themselves in is in the Arts room that they needed to clean before being allowed to go home. Hee-seul laid with her back flat on top of the table. As expected, Hee-seul won the game again. Min-jun pouted that they shouldn't have played rock, paper, scissors because she always wins that game. Now, his task was doubled.

However, her nap was interrupted when a shadow blocked the sunlight warming her face.

"Yah," Lee Na-yeon called her, harshly tapping pushing her to the side to wake her up, "Why aren't you doing something? Clean!"

Hee-seul's eyes open, "Do you really expect me to follow you?" she scoffs.

"Just because your mother bribes the principal, it doesn't exclude you in cleaning," Na-yeon snark at her.

Hee-seul rolls her eyes before she closes it again, "Go rant to the principal, not on me."

"Yah! I am talking to you!"

Hee-seul felt her blood boil when a hard object hit her head.

"Yah! What do you think you are doing!" Both Kyung and Min-jun immediately close the distance from where they are cleaning to the two girls. Min-jun cannot even help himself but to push the girl in rage.

"Yah! Did you just push me?!" the spoiled brat rages.

"No, I hugged you," Min-jun retaliated, "What does it look like, brat?!"

"How dare you touch a girl?!" Na-yeon screams at him.

"Honestly, you don't look like a girl," Kyung snorted.

In pure anger, Na-yeon raises her hand to hit him but was surprised when her hair got pulled from the back before she fell on the ground. Hee-seul, who she didn't notice, stood up towers over her, "I'm already in a bad mood today, Lee Na-yeon and I don't really want to resolve to violence right now but you're really testing me out."

The other students with them all backed away, not really wanting to get involved in the petty fight.

"If you think you could bully everyone, don't try me because I could do worse. I won't hesitate to get physical with you, just make sure you can handle it," Hee-seul said coldly. Kyung grabs her on the forearm, turning her hand so her palm would be facing the ceiling before she felt something being placed on her palm. It's a packet of gummy bears.

With one last glare at Na-yeon who looks like she's about to cry, she turns her head and flips her hair, ripping the plastic open so she can start eating the sweet candy. Kyung looks around the room, meeting the eyes of the few students with them, "We made a bet and we lost to Hee-seul. Our punishment is to do her task so if you have any negative comments, you can talk to me."

"Just don't talk to Hee-seul if you don't want to meet the eldest daughter of Hades," Min-jun added, earning him another glare from Hee-seul.

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