: ̗̀➛ Chapter 15

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Tense silence enveloped the whole room as the spotlight was put to Gyeong-su, who conveniently stood at the middle of everything.

"Gyeong-su yah, your nose is bleeding." Cheong-san repeated what Na-yeon had said when the lad seems confused by the stares he gets.

"It is?" the boy raises a hand to wipe his nose, eyes widening slightly when his fingers came back with a smear of blood. He chuckles to himself, weakly pointing at his friend, "It's because Su-hyeok hit me with the mop."

He walks towards the table but it causes the others to step back. The small movement went unnoticed by him as he's busy pulling out tissues from the box on top of the table.

"Stand back! Don't come closer!" Na-yeon yelled at him which halted his movement, "You were bit, weren't you?"

"No, I wasn't! Su-hyeok hit me..." he cut his own sentence with realization, "Why do keep picking on me?"

Gyeong-su prance closer to Na-yeon, eyes glaring while the latter cower back in fear.

"You were bit!" the annoying girl accuses him. She desperately turn to the english professor, "I-sak's got a nosebleed just before she turned," she then turn to the girl beside the professor, "On-jo, you know it. That's how I-sak was before she turned."

"Gyeong-su..." Ms. Park called her student.

"I really wasn't bit. I swear!" the man in question insisted, stressed that everyone seems to believe that he really got bit, "Damn it!"

However, Na-yeon wasn't done yet because she called his attention again.  But contrary to her expression earlier, she looks smug this time, "Your hand. What is that?"

This made Gyeong-su to look at his hand to only got surprised when he noticed a scratch on the back of his palm. He pointed at the computer set, "It's... This was from when I picked up the computer!"

But when he tried approaching the group, they scurry back in fear. He scoffs in disbelief, "Don't you trust me?" his voice broke, "This happened while I was saving all of you! How could you do this to me?"

He turns around and walks away from the group, leaning on the center table as Cheong-san approaches him. He suddenly grab his best friend's hand, checking the wound, "It's not a bite. It's a scratch. Whoever wants to check, come and check."

When everyone crowded over Gyeong-su, Nam-ra scooted closer to the girl, noticing the glint on her eyes that she knows very much, "I don't like that smile."

"What smile? I'm not smiling." Hee-seul responded innocently.

Nam-ra rolls her eyes, "It's the smile that you always wear whenever you're about to annoy someone."

Yet Hee-seul just shrugged. Min-jun walks back to where she stood, "It's indeed a scratch and it looks really normal."

"Yeah, I saw it too." Kyung second the motion.

"I don't see a bite. It's obviously a scratch. Thank goodness." Ms. Park concluded, "He's okay."

When Dae-su told Na-yeon to apologize to Gyeong-su, the girl keeps standing on her claim, "Why would I be sorry? I saw everything! The zombie grab him on the hand. I'm right. He may be infected!"

"Na-yeon, it's enough." Ms. Park chided her softly.

"It really touched him!" Na-yeon insisted.

Cheong-san, who's obviously pissed off turn to Na-yeon, "Yah, does being touched by the zombie means he's infected?"

"Who knows, it might."

"I held I-sak's hand before she fell. Why am I okay?" On-jo speaks up.

"He has a wound on his hand." Na-yeon exasperated, "It's different when it's open wound!"

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