: ̗̀➛ Chapter 02

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"Awwshii–" Hee-seul hissed, biting her lips to prevent herself from cursing Kyung when he damp the cotton ball soaked with antiseptic on a cut in her cheeks. It wasn't a deep cut but the taller guy insisted on cleaning it.

It was one of the few wounds that she got from the fight earlier. The opposing group wore metal rings so their punches hurt more than normal but they didn't go home without wounds and injuries. If anything, they look worse than these two. It would, however, turn into a complete shift if Kyung didn't arrive. The only reason why they sustained injury after the fight was because they were outnumbered, the opposing team packed weak punches.

From the single couch on the corner of the room, Min-jun grunt in pain, holding his own arm close to his chest as he adjusts the pack of frozen strawberries on his shoulder. His body had slammed on the wall earlier and it happened to affect his shoulder more than he expected but other than that, he didn't sustain any more injury aside from busted lips and bruised cheeks.

Kyung then picks up a piece of cotton buds, soaking the tip with antiseptic before grabbing Hee-seul's cheeks with his other hand. He begins cleaning the cut on her lower lips but the lass hiss again when the bud makes contact on the open wound a little bit harsher than it should.

"If you're mad at me, don't pretend that you're cleaning my wound. You're being harsh," Hee-seul glared at the guy who plastered an emotionless look ever since they arrived at their lair.

"I'm not even putting a lot of pressure, you're just being a baby," Kyung responded.

"Tsk," Hee-seul softly swats Kyung's hand away, grabbing her own cotton buds soaked with antiseptic and a mirror, "I'll do it myself."

Kyung releases a sigh, crossing his arm after throwing the used bud on the pile in the table, "I was gone not even for 30 minutes and you already got yourself into trouble?"

The two averted his glare sheepishly, choosing not to answer since Kyung is really scary when he's mad.

"What is the reason now?" he asks when it was clear that the duo doesn't have any plan to answer him but they just continue looking around but to his direction. Kyung then turned to the lass, "Did you punch another person again, Hee-seul?"

The mentioned lass' eyes widened and she didn't even hide the look of betrayal on her face, "I didn't! I'm behaving with my gummy bears!" she pointed across the room where Min-jun was sitting, "It was him. I didn't even know those guys."

Kyung turned to Min-jun, "Do you have anything to say, Seo Min-jun?"

The now spotlight guy itches his nape, "They were there for me. They thought I'd stolen something from them but I didn't. Why would I even steal their money if I can support their college fee until they graduate." There's no point in lying anymore and lying to each other is something that the three of them despise the most.

Kyung uncrosses his arms, adjusting his sitting position to where he's comfortable, "Look, I'm not mad because you guys got into a fight again. I'm pissed off because you guys let yourself get hurt."

"Okay, Mom." Hee-seul sarcastically commented before a rectangular object flew her way and hit her square on the forehead, "Aw!" she hisses in pain, eyes darting to the remote control that hit her forehead before it fell on the floor.

"I'm not your mom, you idiot." Kyung glared at her.

"But you act like one," Min-jun second-the-motion.

"See? I'm not the only one who can see it," Hee-seul smirked.

"Shut up, the both of you," He stood up, walking away and to the kitchen leaving the two alone.

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