: ̗̀➛ Chapter 18

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"Gyeong-su... that asshole," Dae-su sobs, accepting the tissue roll Joon-yeong handed to him, "Why did you have to turn?"

"I told you all," Na-yeon pointed out, "He was infected."

"Well, are happy now?" Dae-su snapped at her.

"You were all wrong. Only I was right. What will you do without me?" There's an underlying cockiness on her voice and it snaps the remainder string of Hee-seul's patience.

"We'll do better without you, honestly," she answered bluntly, "Even if you were right, we're still going to survive because you weren't the one who actually fought the zombie, weren't you? All you did was fussed and point fingers."

Na-yeon rolled her eyes, "I saved all of your life and you're still going to be rude at me? You're not even thankful? Yah, Moon Hee-seul, at least I contributed to something when what you only did was to hide behind your bodyguards."

"Shut the fuck up, Lee Na-yeon. Your shrill voice is annoying me." Kyung snapped at her.

"Do you know the sound when you drag the chalk to the chalkboard or when you drag the end of the knife on a porcelain plate?" Min-jun wasn't really asking but he's being passively sarcastic, "Yeah, that's how your voice sounded to us so do us a favour and shut your fucking mouth."

"You know, you're probably being bewitched by that witch because you guys are acting like her lap dog," Na-yeon sneered at them, "You'll do better without her, I swear."

"Yah," this time, it was Nam-ra that shut her up, "Maybe you were the one who did it."

"What?" Na-yeon raised an eyebrow on the class president.

They watches as Nam-ra stood up from leaning on the cabinet to walk towards Na-yeon, stopping just infront of her.

"I saw everything," Nam-ra stated coldly, "You..."

Na-yeon stood up from her chair, stepping forward so she would be facing Nam-ra, "What? What did you see?"

"You are the one who did it." Nam-ra sounds so confident that it peaks their interest.

"Who did what? I didn't do anything to Gyeong-su!" Na-yeon's voice raises an octave but that wasn't made Hee-seul to raise an eyebrow. Rather, it was her statement.

Nam-ra smirked, "I didn't say anything about Gyeong-su."

"Yah, shut it off," Wu-jin intervenes, "What are you girls talking about?"

"I didn't do anything." Na-yeon claimed.

"While we were all watching Gyeong-su and Hee-seul went to sleep, you were in the back alone," Nam-ra started and Na-yeon visibly blanched, "You wiped that blood with your handkerchief," she pointed at the broken mop they used to fend the zombie earlier.

"No, I didn't." Na-yeon reacted.

"You wiped that on the scratches in Gyeong-su's hand."

"I did not."

"It's in your pocket."

"So what?"

"Take it out."


"Take it out."

"I said I don't want to!" Na-yeon slap Nam-ra's hand away which made Su-hyeok to stand up and get ready to intervene when it escalates.

"Should I take it out?" Nam-ra's hand darted towards Na-yeon's pocket but the girl stops her from doing it.

"Fuck you! Who the hell do you think you are? You're just the class president---"

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