: ̗̀➛ Chapter 27

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The plan is simple. They will all fall in a single line as they tip-toe close to the door until they pass the stupid zombie. Hee-seul will lead them out with her stick while Dae-su makes sure that everyone's being silent. Su-hyeok will keep an eye to the zombie as he takes the rear. But how the earth did it all go south?

Their breath hitches as their limbs froze on the spot, the metal tumbler clanging on the ground as it bounces on the tiled floor. It was like they're playing the mannequin challenge, no one dared to move as all of their attention turn to the snarling zombie who stopped smashing its skull on the pillar, its head slowly turning to the direction of the sound.

Hee-seul saw the zombie's face first and to say that she's afraid is an understatement, albeit not obvious due to her emotionless face, she could feel all of the thoughts and braveness flying out in the thick air, her heart beating faster than it ever beat and she could feel her fingers slightly trembles. Goddess, he looks terrible.

"Go!" As Su-hyeok pushes them to run, Hee-seul snapped back to her normal self, fear evaporating and to only got replaced by adrenaline as her legs moves on its own.

The line was broken and she found herself being hand-in-hand with Nam-ra as they run, temporarily forgetting that she has the stick tight on her grasp. So, when Nam-ra suddenly removes her hand from Hee-seul's, the girl couldn't help but to also stop, "What's wrong?"

"Su-hyeok," was the only thing Nam-ra uttered before she suddenly turn back to run downstairs.

Hee-seul almost roll her eyes, "Yah, Class Pres!" she whisper-yell, watching the retreating figure of Nam-ra. She was about to step down a couple of steps when she accidentally trip on the mop, now realizing that she has a weapon, "Oh yes, I have the Stick."

Looking up to the flight of stairs, she briefly saw the running figure of the last person on the back, eyes drifting back to where Nam-ra had gone through and that's when she made the split second decision.

As she walks down the stairs, her steps turning into a full down sprint when she heard Nam-ra screaming. She didn't even know how much steps she had skipped and she wasn't even aware that she could fly. I guess, there's always a time to learn something knew about yourself.

"You little shithead,"

Hee-seul's vision became pitch black as she saw Su-hyeok writhing on the ground, trying to reach for Gwi-nam as the bully stalks towards the hissing Nam-ra. Her fingers moves on its own, twirling the stick like what she does in her training and slam the blunt end to the side of Gwi-nam's neck, targetting the pressure point to make the guy sleep but he only flinch, hand suddenly grabbing the end of the stick and pulling her closer to him.

Hee-seul reacted fast, jumping up as she thrust her foot hard on Gwi-nam's groin, evoking a raspy groan of pain from the guy as he doubles over. Hee-seul immediately rushes to where Nam-ra is, cowering beneath the window as she held her arm closer to her chest, unshed tears forming on her eyes. That was quiet a blow on Gwi-nam's groin so she doubt he would recover quickly-- she just hope that there's no future ahead of that guy.

Hee-seul grabs her bleeding arm, eyes widening as she saw the missing chunk of skin on her arm, "The fuck? What is he? A dog?"

"Hee-seul behind you--"

"You son of a bitch"

"Leave them alone!"

The chorus of three voices made Hee-seul to turn around, following Nam-ra's fingers and enough for her too see Su-hyeok tackling Gwi-nam from the back, the window above them shattering into million pieces as the bully's body turns over the window before plummeting down the ground.

Hee-seul blinked, standing up to look at the splayed figure of Gwi-nam on the school ground, "Shit," she curses before shrugging, "Deserve~"

Her eyes fell down when she felt the brush of fabric on her bare legs, seeing Su-hyeok kneeling in front of Nam-ra as the lad checks for her injury. She was about to react when her eyes caught a glimpse of something shiny on the floor down the stairs, the sharp metal being covered with blood but it didn't mask what it was, "Is that a fucking knife?"

"Gwi-nam tried to kill me with that," Su-hyeok answered between his breath, "Yah, where are you going?" his eyes widen in confusion when the girl suddenly jogs down the stairs, bending down to grab the knife.

However, as she was getting up, that's when she only notice the silence---- if it's any other day, she'll be ecstatic because the hallway is silent but when a zombie apocalypse is happening, silence is the least thing you should be happy about. Because when there's silence, there's danger.

From the other end of the hallway, the zombies head snapped towards her direction all at once, the snarling echoing on the hallway as the adrenaline on Hee-seul's system powers her to snatch the knife from the ground and sprint up the stairs, "Run, they're coming!" she picks up the discarded stick also as Su-hyeok helps Nam-ra to stand up.

Meanwhile, the moment the door of the music room slides open, Kyung and Min-jun already felt that something is wrong. Unable to say anything due to the way they are panting really hard, Min-jun purses his lips as the familiar whistle ecapes from him, the four notes echoing on the whole room. It was returned, with the same four notes but deeper. Kyung.

They waited for the other one, the one with the notes backwards and the one that came from Hee-seul but they're eyes widen when they receive none, heart nearly coming of their ribcage as dread fills their system. Both Kyung and Min-jun shared a look, mirroring each other's expression as they snap their head around the room, scanning each and every cranny for the girl but they found no one.

Their eyes falling to the door when On-jo slams it open, their own feet moving on its own as their head is bombarded with the thought of Hee-seul and what kind of trouble she finds herself into. They aren't watching her for a second, and she's already in trouble. What's with Hee-seul and Trouble?!

As they were running, Kyung and Min-jun saw Nam-ra and Su-hyeok running towards them--- no Hee-seul. Min-jun whistles again, feeling relieves when the whistle was returned in a familiar tone just as Hee-seul rounded off the corner and slightly behind the couple.

"Go inside! Go inside!" Su-hyeok yells at them, evoking the sense of urgency from the others as they turn around and start sprinting back the music room.

"They're coming!"


Su-hyeok was just in time to close the door when the zombies slams their body on the door, the others rushes to draw the curtains in. As they were sure that the zombies' vision was obstructed, they all collapse on their position.

"Aww!" Hee-seul hisses when Kyung pinches her ears, twisting it as he glares at her.

"Where the fuck did you go?" The guy scolded her, "You could've died! You could've been seen!"

"I'm sorry, Molly." the girl hisses, grabbing Kyung's hand to which the lad loosen.

"Who the fuck is Molly?" Kyung raises an eyebrow on her.

"Weasley?" Hee-seul responded sheepishly.

Kyung massages his temple for the nth time today, "I'm going to age prematurely."

"This is so annoying"

"Yah, Pres.... What happened to your arm?"


I may or may not used Yelena and Natasha's whistle with some kind of altercation.

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