: ̗̀➛ Chapter 03

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When Hee-seul woke up, she was greeted with a brutal headache. She even felt the pounding of her head and if it wasn't because of her phone screaming at her that it's time to get up, she would continue burying her face on her pillow. Like it was even going to stop her anyway.

She blindly reaches for her phone from the bed-side table, flipping it with the screen facing down to snooze the alarm by ten minutes. Silence filled her room, making her snuggle her duvet and slightly rub her cheeks on her pillow, a thing she always does unconsciously without any reason at all.

She swears she just entered the dream land again when a weight suddenly jumps on her bed, her duvet being ripped away from her face as sunlight enters her bedroom.

"Noona! It's time to wake up!" Chae-won screams from above her, jumping on the bed making her body bounce on the soft mattress.

Hee-seul groaned, grabbing the pillow under her head before blindly swinging it to the direction where she knew Chae-won's jumping from. The soft pillow hit his body, sending him down on the bed as his cute laughter echoed in the bedroom. Hee-seul slams the pillow on her face, blocking the sunlight that could potentially destroy her sleep. But it was ripped away from her too.

"Unnie! We're going to be late from school!" came Chae-young's voice as she pulled her away from the bed, "Wonie, come on! Help me get Unnie out of the bed!"

Chae-won, who's still laughing on the bed, stood up, crawling closer to her older sister's body to push her to the side with all his might, "Noona!" he was laughing while whining to her sister, "You're so heavy!"

The twins' morning was full of laughter while Hee-seul's morning was full of headache as she was forced to get ready early in the morning. Surprisingly, the ointment Kyung spread on her bruise works its magic because it was lighter already. However, it is still noticeable.

Hee-seul typically doesn't care of her image but she always tries her best to look presentable so grabbing a full-coverage concealer from her cabinet, she applies it on top of her bruise. Bruises aren't exactly a good sight so she has to cover them. She also applied some tint to cover her paleness.

Now fully dressed with her school uniform, she went down the living room and straight to the kitchen, her phone in hand, "Chae-wonie! Chae-youngie!" What do you guys want to—"

However, her statement got cut off after she saw what's in the table. Her brows furrowed, "Where did you get this food?" she asks because she's sure that not only are they capable of this home-made looking breakfast but it also smells delicious.

"The pretty Noona next door gave it to us earlier. She said that you will most likely order a breakfast which is not really healthy so she gave us this. She knocked on our door at exactly 6:00 AM!" Chase-won explained, jumping down from his chair.

Chae-young places a glass of water on the table, standing on the opposite side of her brother as the twins both move the chair away from the table.

"Come on, Unnie. Sit down and let's have breakfast together. I miss having breakfast with you." the girl twin chimed in.

But Hee-seul's forehead still creased in confusion, "Pretty Noona next door?" she asks.

Chae-won nodded while humming, "She's really pretty and tall. She said you know her and she gave us food so I trust her."

Chae-young also nodded, agreeing to her twin, "She was wearing a white jacket that says re—relovution?" she scratches her head, smiling to the point her eyes turn into crescents, "I don't think that's what it says but it's a big girl word! It was also in English but I read it. Our teacher is teaching us the English alphabet." she said proudly, waiting for her older sister's praise but she got none.

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