: ̗̀➛ Chapter 36

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"Since we're being honest right now, I want to say something to the three of you," Dae-su suddenly blurted out when they were opening up their deepest concerns before this whole zombie shenanigans happened. Still seated around the fire, their eyes travels from Dae-su to the trio of mischief, "I've always wanted to be friends with the three of you but you guys are always so closed off and make it obvious that you don't want anyone approaching you."

Hearing this, the trio did not expect that majority of them to actually agree on his statement.

Kyung grimace, "Why would you want to be friends with these children of menacejsnjsjsks"

He couldn't continue his comment when Min-jun slaps a hand on his mouth, "Shut up, Kyung," he then turn to others who looks at them with concern, "Go on, you can tell us why you want to be friends with us and why do you see me as the Cool Kid among us."

Hee-seul rolls her eyes, "Oh shut up, Min-jun. You're not cool, you literally wear your leopard print underwear every major exam we have."

The others looking at him with weirded-out expression did not help Min-jun to keep his ears from turning red due to the embarassment, "I told you, it's my lucky underwear! At least, I didn't got stucked at the middle of the lake at MIDNIGHT with nothing but a small boat and paddle just because I want to pet a Loch Ness Monster!" he retaliated.

"Oh no, you don't," Hee-seul glares at him.

"Yes, I did," Min-jun said as if he's really proud of what he had said, "Why? Don't you want them to hear how childish you can get? Ice Princess Hee-seul believes that Loch Ness Monster is real."

"Did you really?" Cheong-san snorted in disbelief.

Hee-seul avoided their stares, "I have the rights to remain silent until I have my lawyer."

"You know what, if Hee-seul said that there's a Loch Ness Monster, then there is a Loch Ness Monster. End of Conversation." Wu-jin told them to pacify the explosive tension building between the two best friends.

"See what I have to deal with everyday?" Kyung sighs.

"Isn't the Loch Ness Monster located in Loch, not a lake?" On-jo questions to which they all shrugs in unison.

"But on a serious note, Dae-su. Why do you want to befriend us?" Wu-jin asks, bringing back the attention to Dae-su.

"The three of you has been the talk of the school eversince you all transferred. It's not everyday that we got transferries from overseas and at the middle of the school year, moreover. When Hee-seul punched that teacher who assaulted a student, I kind of started to think that you guys are cool," Dae-su explained.

"See, Min-jun? He likes us because he thinks I'm cool, not you." Hee-seul smirked at the lad.

"And I don't know if you remembered this, Min-jun but we've met on an audition in JYP. You scolded those people in front of us that were talking bad about me and was laughing at me because of my physical appearance." Dae-su added to which made Min-jun's ego to inflate.

"See? It's all about me." he boasted.

"Kyung helped me when I accidentally dropped Mr. Kwon's laptop. He took all the blame even though he wasn't even there when it happened," Joon-yeong added, "I haven't been able to thank you so I'll say it now. Thank you, Lee Kyung."

"The three of you are actually good if we think about it and see passed the nasty rumors they told about you," Su-hyeok voices out, "Of course, I don't believe any of that because I already know the real Hee-seul."

"Yeah? How?" Oh there's the glare on Wu-jin's eyes again.

Su-hyeok smirked, "If you guys don't know, the four of us are quiet friends last year."

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