: ̗̀➛ Chapter 09

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"Zombies?" Hee-seul raises a brow, "As in people dying to get reanimated into flesh-eating monsters?"

"Yes," Min-jun nodded his head, "Why? Don't you believe them?"

"You were the one who is so obsessed with zombie apocalypse movies," Kyung pointed out, "Why do you seem so sceptical about this?"

"The proof is right in front you, are you not going to believe it?" Min-jun added. By the tone of their voice, panic and anxiety is evident on their voices.

The screams outside the four corner room never ceased, it even become louder which increases the fear starting to eat their system. They color escapes from them, their fingers slightly trembling, and their legs feels like jelly as they force themselves to ignore the students running on the hallway to escape their brutal death.

Hee-seul blinked, holding up her hand to stop them, "Chill, I didn't say that I don't believe it."

This made the two to furrow their brows in confusion. Hee-seul has always been a fan of zombie apocalypse movie, going as far as buying books for zombie survival so her being sceptic is not what they've expected, "Then why are you so calm?  Min-jun's literally looks like he's about to pee on his pants."

Min-jun glared at the taller guy, "Yah! I'm not scared, they can't get us here." he said confidently and it took every ounce of his pride to not flinch everytime students would bang their fist on the door while pleading for them to open the door.

Hee-seul suddenly grab a pair of eyeglasses from her leather jacket, wearing it with an over exaggerated flick of her arms as she fix her hair, "Not just they can't get us here but also because it wouldn't last long before this crazy zombie shenanigans end. Movies are bullshit, they're technically dead so it wouldn't last long until the decomposition process starts. Their flesh would rot and their bones will start to become brittle. The weather's literally hot but the breeze is cold, that will just make the decaying process more faster."

"You forgot that a humans can't survive without food and water. We can't stay in here. Either way, we will be needing to get out," Kyung stresses,  pulling a chair so he could sit down. He can feel his legs begins to weakens as his heart beats erratically. He closes his eyes, massaging his temple.

"And since when do you wear eyeglasses?" Min-jun interrogated her, leaning forward to look closely, "There's no lenses."

"Yeah, it's just for fashion," Hee-seul shrugs, following Kyung but instead of pulling a chair, she sat on top of the table. She begins to mess with her watch, releasing a sigh when the light didn't turn red, "As long as the twins are fine, I don't find any reason to get out."

"Logically speaking, if this is really a zombie apocalypse then it's not impossible for this to spread outside of the school," Min-jun pointed out, "Aren't you worried about the twins?"

Hee-seul didn't respond, expression turning cold but deep inside of her, emotions flurries like a raging storm. Too much emotion and she didn't even know how to differentiate all those emotions. Min-jun and Kyung didn't question her, knowing that she have trouble showing and managing other emotion except anger and happiness.

Although rich in asset and influence, Hee-seul wasn't perfect. She was raised to a family where being weak is a disgrace, that being scared is frowned upon. Her father never rarely show emotions while her stepmother is always angry. Growing up, she learned to suppressed other emotions she deemed to be irrevelant.  She was judged because of that, calling her names like she-hulk and sociopath just because she doesn't know how to recognize emotion other than anger. But through multiple sessions with her psychologist, she manage to tone her anger down a bit while learning to recognize and let go of other feelings.

"Should we call the authorities?" Min-jun asks after seconds of silence-- not really silence since screams still echoes all around the classroom while they sat there looking too calm despite of the situation they are in, "My phone was taken by our adviser."

"Same," Hee-seul agreed, sulking on the table and doing her best to not look at the gruesome situation outside of the lab.

"My phone's in my locker but I can make a call," Kyung raises his left arm, the small screen of his smartwatch gleams under the sunlight that seeps through the windows, "Should I call 119?"

"No, they're most likely to be busy since I'm guessing everyone in this school is trying to reach out to them," Hee-seul stated, reaching out her hand in a grabby motion, "Gimme."

Kyung unbuckles his smartwatch from his wrist, giving it to the lass without much of a question as she start to dial a number she memorized by heart. The ringing added to the collective screams outside as the trio waited for the other line to answer. The first attempt went to voicemail so Hee-seul tried again.

"Are you seriously calling the military right now?" Min-jun asks incredulously, recognizing the number he had seen so many times after getting themselves in trouble.

Hee-seul shrugged, "The police won't be able to do anything in this intensity. This is the work of military-- can even fall to terrorism if the nature of origin is because of political reasons."

'....please leave a message after the beep.'

"Fuck," Hee-seul curses after a couple of trial, "Uncle, if you ever hear this, I just want to inform you that the students here are going batshit and starts to attack other students. Call back if you hear this or your conscience will haunt you forever if ever something bad happened to me."

Min-jun snorted, "Must you be so brutal?"

"Blackmailing is her middle name," Kyung commented, grabbing the smartwatch from Hee-seul to make calls of his own.

"And I'm guessing Violence is her first name," Min-jun joked.

"Yeah, so funny," Hee-seul mocked him, eyes going back to her smartwatch. As long as the light didn't turn red, there's no need to worry. The twins are safe and they're smart to hold on until rescue comes.

Hee-seul was once again swallowed by the overwhelming number of emotions all at once, her face turning emotionless again as she stare at the window. The screams and cries as well as the animalistic snarls outside the lab becomes a background, with Kyung and Min-jun's voice turning into a buzz as everything muted around her.

Fear, Anxiety, Panic... she didn't even recognize the other emotions as it clash to each other, fighting for dominance as her thoughts becomes scrambled.


Your author is so stupid. My mind is literally set to vacation and I totally forgot that I have a deadline for three major activities. I have to cram a 15 minutes video and edit it the same day. I can't believe myself.

Don't worry, the main characters will appear on the next chapter.

Alive but Shattered | All of us are deadKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat