: ̗̀➛ Chapter 05

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Hee-seul hates mornings because the breeze and overall atmosphere makes her lethargic. But what's more annoying than mornings? It is being woken up by loud cries and crashes from the living room. With her brows furrowed to the point that it becomes a unibrow and eyes as sharp as a newly sharpened dagger.

On her way out, she grabs the gun hidden in the bottom drawer before rushing out of the room. What she had witnessed in the living room made her blood boil. The vase was broken so was the glass center table. What's worse was two grown men forcing her siblings out of the unit while the twins screamed their lungs out, thrashing around their grip which made it harder for them to drag the kids out.



The twins scream for her when they see that she's already awake. This made the two men visibly freeze as they both looked at her wide eyes, colors escaping them when they saw the glistening pistol aimed at their head.

"Y-young lady," the older of the two stuttered out.

"Unhand my siblings or I'll use all of my bullets to your pea brains," Hee-seul coldly said.

The two men removed their hands from the twins like they had been scalded by a direct fire. The twins immediately run towards her, hiding on their back while peeking their heads to glare at the two guys.

"Young lady, we were sent here by your mother to get the twins. She's really worried about them." Kwon Hyun-bi, one of her stepmother's most trusted security personnel stated, "They've been missing for 2 days."

"Get out," Hee-seul glared at them.

"We're following orders, Ms. Hee-seul and it certainly not from yours," Mr. Kwon turned to the younger man behind him, "Get the twins, Yoon-seong. She's not going to do it."

"Try me," the girl smirked, cocking the gun before aiming it back at them. The younger man flinched, conflicted whether he should grab the kids or stay on his position, "This is trespassing, Mr. Kwon and I can call someone to drag you out of here if you insist on forcing my siblings to come with you."

"You're possessing a firearm and threatening to use it to us, Ms. Hee-seul. I'm sure you're violating more laws than us," Mr. Kwon shrugged.

"Chae-young ah, call Uncle and Grandpa," Hee-seul addresses the older twin without looking at her.

"On it!" Chae-young chimed, running towards Hee-seul's bedroom.

The girl smirked when the two security personnel visible blanched, "Let's see each other in court, Mr. Kwon."

Mr. Kwon suddenly bowed, "I'm sorry, Ms. Hee-seul. We're not going to bother you anymore." and then they left.

Chae-young peeks from the bedroom, "Are they gone?"

"They are," Hee-seul laughed.

"Noona, is that a real gun?" Chae-won wonders, looking at the pistol with wide eyes.

"Do you want to try?" asks Hee-seul.

"Me!" Chae-young exclaimed, running towards them, "I've always wanted to shoot someone! I want to be you when I grow up because you're really cool."

This made a sneakily smile appears on Hee-seul's lips, "No, I'm not definitely a good role model."

"I've always told our classmates that I have the coolest Noona ever," Chae-won boasted.

Hee-seul just chuckles, shaking her head, "Go on, Youngie. Try it."

Chae-young giddily aimed the gun to the wall, pushing the trigger with both of her pointer finger but instead of a bullet, a magenta-colored paintball shot from the muzzle and hitting the wall across from their position, staining the otherwise white walls.

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