: ̗̀➛ Chapter 50

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When Cheong-san pushes On-jo back to the group, it did not only hurt the lass but also his friend. With his face showing determination and finality, he met Su-hyeok's eyes, "Su-hyeok, go to the first floor."

The mentioned guy didn't have a choice but to held On-jo back before nodding. Cheong-san took this as a cue as he jump back inside the building, screaming his hearts out and letting out the pain that seems to fill his heart like a continuous downpour would fill an empty bucket.

"All of you! Come after me! Today, I am..." he panted, the growls of the zombies coming his way fills his ear, "..the happiest guy in this school!"

They could hear him and it's almost like someone had rubbed a salt in their open wound.

Happiness? Are they really happy? Could they even be happy after all of the things they've went through in the short-period of time? Can happiness even come to them after the traumatic experience they were forced to witness with open eyes as their friends were ripped apart in front of them?

First was Min-ji. Then it was I-sak, Gyeong-su, Ms. Park and Na-yeon. Then they took Ji-min, Joon-seong, Min-jae, Joon-yeong, Kyung, and even Mr. Nam. Then those people that died in the heat of the apocalypse and now hunting them because they're a walking fresh meat. Now, it was Cheong-san.

Too much death that they witnessed in a span of three days. Maybe, they did not witnessed all of their deaths with their own eyes but knowing that they're walking in the same ground with thousands of dead people roaming mindlessly for food is enough to traumatize them for the remaining time they have alive. Those people that they used to see and interact before all of this chaos were now hunting them as their prey. It is too much for young people like them.

For all of those deaths, none of them were able to process any of those. They were still confused, afraid-- terrified that what if, they were next? That what if none of them were able to survive and all of them become zombies? What if all of them dies?

They couldn't help but to remember how they were left alone to fight for their lives. How the adults and the military abandoned them to die like they're some sort of an animal. Not like leaving an animal alone to survive on its own is better but they felt like it. Like some kind of pitiful prey that they purposely thrown out to a pack of hungry predators.

Even mourning seems so wrong in their situation because not even a minute passed by, they already have to gather themselves back before they become food.

"Come on, everyone. This is it." Mi-jin announces to the group.

"We have to go." Ha-ri told everyone but her eyes are focused on her younger brother and her younger sister from another mother.

Hee-seul turn to look at Nam-ra, seeing that Su-hyeok's already there for her so she hold onto Wu-jin before ushering Min-jun to get moving first.

They all climb back up to the inside of the building, the distant growls unnerves them but they still need to keep moving.

With rush footsteps, they were able to come out of the building. Their staggering footsteps are heavy as it lands on the concrete ground, ignoring the burn that starts to climb up from their sole up to their knees and thigh.

Hand-in-hand, they all run away from the ground zero, leaving all those memories and lives behind with heavy heart and a mind full of guilt.

"Come on! Hurry up!" Su-hyeok made sure that they maintain their speed as they reaches the metal gate separating the civilization from the forest, the lock were picked so it is easier for them to get out.

Stepping out to the other side of the barbed gate, Hee-seul swore she heard Kyung's voice calling for her name. Her feet halted, head turning around so fast that she swore she had a whiplash.

And surely, there stood in the middle of the woods, just behind the trees was Kyung. A tear escapes her eyes, cascading down her cheeks as her lips were left agape. He's waving at her like telling her to move on, standing closely beside him was Irina, their hands intertwined together and eyes shining with love.

"Hee?" Since she's still holding Wu-jin's hand, he was tugged back and was left behind the others.

Min-jun, who was running in front of them heard him. He stopped, running back to the duo as he noticed Hee-seul crying while looking at the trees, "Why did you stopped?"

"I don't know. She just started crying and murmuring Kyung's name," Wu-jin answered him, "Do you think it has to do with her high fever? You know, hallucinations?"

Min-jun follows her line of sight again, seeing nothing but trees so he ushers them out, "It must be. Come on, do you think you can carry her?"

Wu-jin immediately nodded. Min-jun helped in placing Hee-seul on his back, the lad making sure that he's carrying her tightly before he starts to run again.

Min-jun decided to stay behind them, making sure that he can catch the girl if they loses balance. Just as he starts to jog, he could feel the breeze brushing passed them, the leaves rustling as something thug on his heart string. Oddly enough, the breeze seems to embrace him.

Deeply in the forest, they felt the ground shook as an explosion causes for their knees to collapse. As if in cue, all of them look back, seeing the mushroom-shaped flame and smoke litters the once clear sky.

Wu-jin immediately put Hee-seul down just as it starts to rain with falling debris from the exploded school, using his body to shield the lass from the massive rubbles.

"Min-jun, my sister!" Through the loud commotion, he was able to hear Wu-jin. His head turn to the archer, in time to see a huge rubble falling on her so without thinking it through, he dove to tackle Ha-ri before she got hit.

"Noona, are you okay?" Wu-jin asks, pulling Hee-seul with him to check for his sister.

Ha-ri wasn't even able to answer because they felt the ground shook again and in an instance, he found himself enclosing Hee-seul's body with his arms as he shielding her from the impact of the blast wave.

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