: ̗̀➛ Chapter 35

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Hee-seul clenches her fingers, pulling her whole arm back before pushing her fist to Min-jun's shoulder. The lad stumbles back at the impact but immediately regains his balance. The chatters around them while they fix the SOS sign muffled as a background, the two best friends clearly having their own words as they play fight against each other.

The lad shook his head as he tutted, "You punch like a girl," he tittered, "I doubt even a zombie will feel pain when you punch them."

Hee-seul's eyes turn into a slit, "I'm a girl." she responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh yeah?" Min-jun's tone sounds like he only realized by now, "I thought you're a guy from the way you walk and sit."

Hee-seul glares at him, fist turning pale from how tightly she clenches it, "What's wrong with being a girl? and Can't a girl sit like that?" there's an underlying threat in her voice but Min-jun wasn't phase, clearly having fun in pissing the girl off.

"Woah? Are you getting angry, little cat?" He teases, making face that only made Hee-seul's blood to boil, "Do you want a yarn ball or you want to nap?"

Oh no. He did not just call her little cat.

"Seo. Min. Jun. You. Little. Rascal." Hee-seul said through gritted teeth, marching towards the guy with her fist ready to throw and eyes glaring daggers.

Min-jun succeeded in pissing her off but now he has to run. Why did he forgot how scary she is when mad?

He deflected the punch Hee-seul suddenly throw on his direction, laughing as he keeps deflecting while the girl keeps on attacking her.

"The cat is pissed," Min-jun teases her, "Her little claws are out. Oh how cute."

"You're playing with Hades, Jun-ah." Kyung commented, watching the duo with pure interest.

"Come here and I'll show you how cute my little claws are." The girl jeers at her, voice sounded so innocent and soft which contradicts the evil glint on her eyes.

"Did he just call her a cat?" Dae-su whispers to Joon-yeong, holding a piece of log he got from the pile of trash.

"I think so," Joon-yeong nodded.

"Now that I'm looking at her, she kinda resembles a cat." The bear blink.

"No, don't let her hear that," From beside them, they hear Nam-ra whispers, "She hates being compare to animals."

Hee-seul went to grab Min-jun's collar, the guy already knowing what to do like it happened in daily basis as he easily slip out from his blazer, running away from the girl as she chases him around the rooftop.

"Children," Kyung shakes his head, picking up a piece of wood from the pile.

Hee-seul's curses and Min-jun's laughters echoes on the background as they run around the rooftop, playing a cat and mouse game.

"Are they always like this?" Hyo-ryeong asks, following them with her eyes with mix emotion. This is the first time they actually saw the two acting like this-- although they knew that Min-jun is a menace by the aura he exudes.

"Oh trust me, that's the most tamest thing they do when they are together," Kyung sighs like he experienced five life times of stress.

"I.. This is a new side from Hee-seul." On-jo commented, stiffling her laugh when Min-jun tripped and face-planted on the ground.

"Admit it, it's kind of refreshing to see," Wu-jin commented, "Like this is just a normal day."

"Take that back!"

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