Chapter 55: Fame and future fortune

Start from the beginning

"Not too long."

She said grabbing her note book and measuring tape.

Kayla wanted to measure the daycare trio so she can make mini clothes for them.

"Now just stay still and let me write down your measurements."

"I'm kinda hungry, wanna stop at a drive through and gets some fries?"

Derek's ask and everybody in the car said yes

He pulled into a drive through and order four large fries.

"Alright done with the measurements!"

Kayla said to the daycare trio

Derek pulled up to the window

"Hello- wait...I recognize you. Your crow!"

Derek blinked in surprise.

"You know me?"

"Yeah! Dude, I love your podcast!"

Derek blushed and scratched his cheek

"Wow! U-Um thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it.

"Yeah, you and your friends are hilarious!"

"Why thank you!"

You said from the back seat.

"Oh right! Are you paying with cash or card today?"


Derek said pulling out his debit card.

The daycare trio got curious and poked their head out the window. The guy freaked when he saw them.

"Woah! what are those?!"

"Oh their mini robots that geek made."

The daycare trio said hello and the worker just stared in amazement.

"Yo! Everybody come check this out!"

Then all worker came over to see us and the daycare trio animatronics

"Oh my gosh their so cute!"

"What you made them yourself?!"


The daycare trio then jumped to the window and played with the workers a bit.

"Alright you three get back in here."

You said holding out your arms which they jumped onto pulling them back into the car.

"Anyway here your fries. Also here are some milkshakes on the house."

"Woah! Thanks man!"

"Don't mention it! Can't wait for your next episode."

We all said thanks and we drove off

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