Chapter 26: who are you?

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I heard quiet glitchy sounds


I heard it more clearly


It sounded like it was right next to me.

I turn to see two purple eyes staring at me. I was ready the scream until I heard

"W̸a̶i̸t̷!̸ ̵I̶t̴'̷s̵ ̴m̸e̵!̴ ̴"


"Y̴e̴s̴!̸ ̷i̷t̸'̸s̶ ̴m̷e̵ ̷d̷o̵l̴l̶!̴ ̸"

I turn on my lamp on my nightstand. Now I could see him more clearly.

"S̷o̶r̷r̷y̴ ̶f̵o̷r̶ ̷s̶c̶a̶r̸i̶n̵g̶ ̸y̵a̴.̶ ̸"

I then punched myself in the face

"Y̵/̷N̵!̸ ̴W̸h̸y̵ ̸d̵i̵d̶ ̸y̶o̶u̵ ̸d̸o̸ ̴t̷h̷a̴t̵!̴ ̸"

" I'm not dreaming."

Glitchtrap then laughed at me

"How are you out of the game?"

"I̴'̴m̵ ̵a̶c̶t̴u̷a̶l̸l̸y̴ ̵s̶t̷i̶l̷l̴ ̴i̶n̷ ̵t̶h̵e̸ ̷g̵a̴m̴e̴ ̴I̶'̷m̵ ̶m̴o̷r̸e̶ ̴o̷f̴ ̶a̴ ̴h̵o̴l̷o̵g̸r̸a̷m̵.̸ ̸I̸t̴ ̶d̴o̷n̸'̷t̴ ̶d̴o̶ ̷i̸t̷ ̴t̷o̴ ̶o̸f̶t̶e̶n̵ ̷b̶e̶c̸a̷u̶s̶e̵ ̸i̸t̸ ̷t̵a̶k̶e̷s̸ ̵a̸ ̵l̸o̸t̷ ̶o̷f̸ ̷e̵n̶e̵r̶g̵y̶ ̵ ̷ ̴"

"You realize that if my uncle walks in we're dead right?"

"I̵ ̴w̷o̴u̴l̴d̵n̶'̴t̵ ̶w̶o̴r̷r̴y̵ ̶a̴b̵o̶u̵t̵ ̶t̷h̶a̴t̴.̷"

I stared at him with a glare. Which I've been told I have a pretty scary glare. The nervousness on his faces proved it.

"What do you mean..."

"D̸o̴l̶l̵ ̴h̶o̷l̷d̷ ̶o̷n̸.̸ ̷I̵t̸'̷s̸ ̶j̴u̷s̷t̵ ̵I̸ ̷h̶e̶a̵r̵d̵ ̶h̴i̵m̷ ̷l̸e̴a̴v̸e̷ ̷t̶h̵e̸ ̶h̵o̵u̶s̶e̷.̸ ̶I̶ ̵s̶w̸e̶a̶r̸ ̸I̸ ̷d̵i̷d̷n̴'̵t̷ ̶d̸o̷ ̷a̴n̵y̶t̵h̷i̶n̵g̸!̷"

I then gave him a confused look and I went up to see myself. Sure enough he wasn't anywhere in the house.

It was only 5:30 in the morning we never needed to get up that early

I went back to glitchtrap and started asking my questions

"So if I were to touch you would my hand just go through you?"

"T̵r̴y̶ ̸i̶t̷ ̸a̵n̴d̸ ̴f̵i̷n̴d̷ ̵o̸u̶t̴ ̵"

I touched him and at first it seemed it go through but then stopped. It was like touching an animal but the pixels were glitching and tickling me

"Woah this is the coolest thing I have ever experienced!"

"D̴o̷ ̴y̷o̷u̴ ̵k̶n̶o̴w̸ ̶w̶h̶a̷t̴ ̴t̴h̴i̵s̶ ̴m̶e̴a̴n̵s̷?̸"

I hummed in response then he pulled me to his chest with arms wrapped around me.

"I̷ ̵g̴e̸t̵ ̵t̴o̵ ̶h̵u̴g̷ ̸y̴o̷u̵ ̷a̴l̸l̸ ̸I̴ ̴w̷a̴n̴t̷~̶"

I sighed annoyed but was also fascinated

"Your actually quite comfy."

"O̵h̶ ̶I̸ ̷a̵m̸~̷ ̵"

The little genius (Fnaf Yandere)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang