chapter 80

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We try so hard to please the one that makes us smile the most.

Sometimes we push them away thinking, maybe its better that they don't love me.

Maybe they deserve better than we can offer them.

Yet so caught up, in that mindset..... We may loose the one sent to actually heal us.


#Azzys' pov.#

I can feel the anticipation fill my chest.

I look at myself in the mirror with my best man at my side.

"You're gonna be great together".

Despite our differences I believe I made the right choice having him at my tightest corner.

"You think so?" I question him unsure.

What if she's over there regretting her decisions?.

I'm never one to be not confident or self centered....but for some reason I feel that.

I feel that way because I'm just so afraid to loose her.

I want to hold her in my arms for life.

She's never made me feel anything but worthy.

I'm grateful that she not only choose me as her babys... Giver/protector/best friend...... But I'm more grateful that she choose me as her life long partner.

"I know so... You might be lucky to have her.... But she's damn well lucky to have you as a forever-man!" He tapped my shoulder in a a small hug.

"Your not saying this because your still in a hangover state from last nights party?" I smiled cheekily.

"Your last night as a single man.... I must get wasted- besides that came from the heart.... It hurts that you don't think it did"... He rolled his eyes.

I laugh at the flex of his eye balls.

"I've not been single since-"

"-since she took your heart blah blah blah" he cut me off as I looked at him.

"You have a baby yet your still not in love with her mommy" I chuckle.

"She may have an ass of gold... But love's isn't me"

I looked at my arrogant brother.

"I guess you'll never change Azvon" I shake my head.

"Never,lover boy......not until I get my own nutella girl to come sweep me off my feet." He winked... As we both smikered.

I wonder if she's nervous?

I wonder if he's nervous?

Avorys pov.∆

Looking at myself in my dress... My maid of honors at my side.

Its pretty hard having to choose a maid of honor when you have two best friends.

Luckily I can just make them both my maid of honors.

"What if he's rethinking this?" I ask as Akiela fluffs my hair.

"He has no reason to... Didn't he show you that you're all that he wants?" Paige smirks as another person finishes my makeup.


"No but babe.... You're both connected at the soul..since the day he placed his eyes on you...I could tell he'd scoop you up" Paige continues as Akiela chuckles.

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