Chapter 30

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I had placed Avory near me on the plane as the later part of the night approached us.

10:52 to be exact.

Her head was still propped on me, as I wrote on a few papers infront of me.

I needed to be back in Italy by 12, as I had people to organize a few shipments that would be coming in and out of Russia in the next few days.

I signed a few papers, and relaxed back.

Letting her lie on my chest.

I stroked her hair behind her ear, as I smiled down at her.

Its not that I was simping or anything... but she did make me feel warm inside.
And this was a feeling I could get use to. Perminantly.

Placing a slight kiss on her forehead, I closed my eyes trying to get a little shot eye before we landed.


"we're about to land" I heard bob say as his hand touched my shoulder, causing me to tense due to my unaware wakening

I nodded at him as my eyes trailed to Avory.

I barely knew her. But one thing I hated was waking her up, when she looked so peaceful.

My chest had become her pillows, and her snuggling, mixed with her scent, just made my tummy feel weird.


"Avory", I whispered near her ear a shiver leaving her body. Her eyes slowly opened as she looked up at me.

When she had become aware of where she layed, she rose quickly. "sorry" her voice quiet.

She turned her face trying to hide her blush, causing me to chuckle at the overly combusted cuteness.

"we're going to land in a bit-you've got to put your belt on" I told her.

"Okay" she nodded, heading to her seat opposite me, clicking her belt as I followed.

She looked out the window near her, her face full of amusement.

I was mesmerized not only due to her excitement, but regular people wouldn't just look into the light when they got up.
I for sure hated light especially in the morning.

The city did look beautiful around midnight though, so I couldn't blame her.

"Is this Italy?" she asked, but I didn't think it was 100% a question. And if it were, it was probably rhetorical.

I chuckled.

Bob came back and sat in the chair near me, clicking back his belt.

He looked over at Avory and teased "did you enjoy the sleep on your pillow last night", one of his eyebrow making slight jumps.

She smiled at him before answering. "I did", bowing her head slightly, of embarrassment.


The plane landed, and before anyone could stop her Avory had already made her way out of the plane.

Bob and I followed behind, our movements slower than hers.

I stood at the top of the stair-casing as she had already made her way down.

She inhaled a big bucket of air, before she........ vomited?

I laughed, harder than I normally ever did.

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