Chapter 9

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So hey my lovelies, short chapter alert, i was thinking, would you guys like to get a p.o.v of Azvameth, or of any other character?, let me know in the comments okay.

Anyways, the above picture is Paige most likely, Akiela will be showed in the next chapter, also i would like to know if you rather longer chapters. Longer chapters mean that, you'll have to wait a little longer, or shorter chapters shorter wait. So let me know.

Now on to the chapter.

"Is it perfect?" i asked as the creepy nerd man stood  in front of us examining the fake bill.

You see we had jacked up a banker who was coming out of the bank this morning not to rough to the point that he had any injuries or anything- smiley face., his name was John, but who cared at this point?, we just wanted to get our thing up and correct.

"it's good, but some dimensions are off" he announced.

'well fuck me' i whispered under my breath shooting him a 'are you serious' look, as he nodded. "well tell us what we need to do" Paige concluded. "John" looked at us through his narrowed eyes, lashes long as hair, as he crossed his hands. "just tell us what we need to know" i told him with a straight face.

"why should i" he asked.

"or we will kill you", Akiela said with a giggle but more coming out serious. I elbowed her in the ribs when i saw the man wasn't having this joke. I mean we could've gotten Azvameth to come rough him up, but in my eyes talking to him nicely was better than him giving Azvameth attitude and ending up in a body bag.

*internal eyeroll.

"I don't know who you are, but i need you to leave before i calĺ the cops" John insisted as he placed his finger gently on the knob before him, not enough pressure to trigger the alarm.

"Listen here we just need to be helped, and we will be on our way" i said in defense praying that he wouldn't press it.

"And what's in it for me?" He asked.

'Well for one you'll live, two we won't have to send someone behind you, i mean we can get someone else but judging from you're appearance a retarded looking noob, i guess you are easy' i said to myself as i placed my hand on my chin to think.

"How much?" I asked.

Paige looked at me with a confused little hint of paranoia as she rose a brow, Akiela on the other hand couldn't help herself but laugh as she whispered only  loud enough for us to hear "we don't even have  enough money for yourself"

He removed his hands from the button as he pasted up and down releasing many 'hmm's' as he looked at us every now and again. "1 million in cash"
"Ow hell the fuck no " Akieĺa shouted, covering her mouth to the sudden outburst.

"Well i think your friend has answered on your behalf" he answered returning his hand on the knob.

'Ugh' i sighed internally, as the creases on  my forhead became visible.

"Time is ticking " he said as he increased a little more pressure on the knob, causing my heart beat to increase.

"Okay okay okay " i said in a rush "deal, but we can give you it in halfs, that way we know your not going to bull shit us " i said in the same breath.


"Are you crazy?" Akieĺa said as we drove off leaving John near an empty side road.

"what other choice do we have?" i yawped, parking a little before my house

"am we can call gang guy, you know, he can force him, am maybe we wont have to spend all that money, which if i may remind you We Do NoT HaVe" Akiela hollered as Paige looked me in the eyes.

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