Chapter 6

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Short chapter alert. Really really short.
Hey my lovelies, i know this might be really short. But it was the perfect ending.
He he he

"What the hell" where the words that left my mouth as the bags were lifted off of our heads.

      Akiela and Paige were on one side, and i on the other. There again i saw the three men that had entered my house without permission looking at us.
     A little more in casual clothing rather than what they wore before.

     Akiela and Paige held on to each other, akiela started speaking in her 2nd native language.

"I really ent wanna be here right now."

     He chuckled to her out burst, before speaking in his own.


His voice as if angels had fallen.

     The two men walked and stood behind us, near a car.

"Now, where is my money?" His jaw clenched as he crossed his hands, over his muscular torso.

"I-we, am.. we where counting it a while before you kidnapped us mister gang guy" Paige rattled out.

Mister gang guy?
What the hell is that?

"Kidnap is such a strong word" he giggled.

"Well, putting a bag over our heads and taking us without our content to a dislocated area is not like an invite to have tea"

       I have no idea where those words came from, but they did. Before my mind could process it, it had already left my mouth.

      The beautiful mint eyed man, stood from where he sat, and walked near me.
     He placed his hands into his back pocket pulling out a gun.

   At this point my heart was at the point of jumping out my chest, why did i talk?.
    He adjusted the gun in his hand and placed it at the side of my temple.

"Please, am mister gang guy, we-"

"I'm going to need you to keep quiet, you stole from something that didn't belong to you"

      He looked at me deep in the eyes, i don't know what other people would've done in this situation, but i wasn't about to give up. Not this easily.

    And once again the words left before my mind could process it.

"You coward" i yelled, wide-eyed with my fist clenched.

     He looked at me with a face full of confusion, head tilted to the side, brow raised.

"You only kill because your to afraid of what your superior might do to you after seeing all his money missing" i said in one breath

     Avory shut the fuck up, a little voice in my head said.

    My eyes glimpsed at the side to see both Akiela and Paige looking at me in awe.

"I'm sorry mister gang sir, she fell on her head twice when she was smaller and again the other day" Paige said, more sounding like pleading.

      He looked at all three of us before saying.

"You are aware, i have a gun to your head right?"

"Well shoot me, i dare you"

      Where on earth did all this courage come from.

THE MAFIAS CROOKSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ