Chapter 7-

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                                                                                  Ãzvameths p.o.v.~
I watch her shocked expression as my mother comes out with the cake.

My mom being the only one who knew I was alive early and that she had to make a gender reveal cake.

Avory is yet to know this is her babys' shower.

"cake?" She smiles looking at me.

I just look at her from head to toe,my eyes settling on her boobs and legs a little to long.

Gosh I love when she wraps her legs around my nec-

"yeah" I answer back.

"what's the ocassion?" She questions again.

"you are bambina."

She looks at me. "gender reveal" I smile as other family members come around.

Eyes have been on me since i entered.

I'm not sure at this point if they're shocked to see me alive still,or shocked that i'm expecting a baby.

Well hopefully its mines.

I sigh thinking about it.

What if its not mines?.... should I even try to get attached.....or should I stay away when it's born so I don't end up hurting  in the end.

We agreed to wait untill the baby is born to find out.

I'm not going to lie I'm bummy as hell.

"well aren't you going to cut the cake with me?" I hear her whisper against my ear.
I know she's probably a little an-c seeing that I felt her tremble a bit when her body touched mines.

I walk behind her holding onto her hips,travelling my hands to stretch out like her arms as we both hold the knife. "keep that up and we might just end up doing it on the cake" I hear her chuckle causing my own self to do the same.

"ready?" I ask her my lips resting on her ear lobe. She nods and phone flashes come on.

"blue means means boy" I hear my mom cheer.

Only one person knows the babys gender and its the baker.


We cut slowly into it and I know she can feel my heart speed up.
I have no idea why i can't wait to know,but at the same time- i'm excited to meet my minny me.

"blue" I hear one of her friends shout,and everyone starts to cheer as Avory starts to jump up exploding herself in my arms.
I can feel my eyes burn as it fills.

I close my eyes trying to hold back the tears while holding unto her as she cries.

"i'm so proud of you lil mama" I try comforting her as my own tears break its barrier.

"we're gonna have a girl" she pulls back as her eyes are still filled as she looks at me. "yes we are"

" I love you" we both state together. Being shocked by both of each others outburst.

I smile at her as she does the same. Taking a cloth out i help dab her makeup as everyone just admires.
Yeah I know at this point they want to know since when i'm so affectionate.

"what?" I question everyone else,as they all attend to Avory now.


I stand here drinking a beer with Azvon looking at Avory laughing and talking with a few family members and her bestfriend. "you really outdid yourself brother" he states causing me to look at him "so did you" I point to his lady friend who was talking to Lola.

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