Chapter 25

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!!! The same day !!!


I came to London last night into this morning.

Strictly into business, bob accompaning me as usual.

"are you going to check her?" Bob asked, as we got into his car.

"who are you talking about?" I pretended not to know who.

"I'm not stupid and neither are you", he rumbled rolling his eyes.

"I'm here on business and business only. The faster I can do that and get back to Italy the better". I affirmed.

"Don't make her fall in love if you can't love her" his words, hitting a sensitive spot.

I knew we both had a connection. Something rare between myself and another individual.
But I wouldn't of been able to forgive myself if something were to happen to her.
She had slowly made her way into my heart. But my egotistic side stepped in before I got to attached to her.
I did miss her darely, but having her around.
I wouldn't of been able to fully have control over myself.

"Love is a very strong word, don't you think?" i questioned.

"love is never to strong for the right person. Weither you've known them for a short time, or years. Weither they did the worst to you or did the best- you should know", he voiced causing me to hum. "plus its not like you can just unlove someone, then it meant you didn't love them in the first place... am i wrong?" he expressed.

"you know bob, for a killing machine you're a very intelligent man", i chuckled.

"I'm a killing machine?- says the one who laughs after pealing the faces off of his rivals, and then boiling their heads" his eyebrows tugged together as he finished his statement.

"It's just spontaneous when all their words bite them in the ass" rolling my eyes, i stated.

"right" he chuckled.

"Whatever, its not like if she waited right?... Shak and herself got back together. She has her marriage, and i have mines. Its better if we forget about each other" I shrugged.

"boss-" he tried to continue as my words cut his.

"enough about this topic", i mumbled. relaxing back into the chair


Bob pulled into the empty warehouse.

Memories of my time here spilling my brains data board.

As I stepped in, the sound of my shoes echoing the deserted area, my eyes found my office door.

I walked, but stopped near Drake, the man I had watching the place. He only had one job.

To play homeless.

Don't worry his pay's worth it.

"Drake", I called as he stood from his area.

"Capo" he answered {boss}.

I walked towards my office as Bob and Drake followed behind.

I opened the door.

"someone was here", I exclaimed.

"yes boss, probably a little over two hours earlier. She walked straight to your office.- it was as if she knew the place" Drake spoke.

'Avory', my mind filling with her image.

THE MAFIAS CROOKSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant