Chapter 44

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2 weeks and 3 days later...

I had settled into my new place.
I hadn't seen Azvameth since he dropped me off that day.

All he left me with where kisses that night.

My heart had really adapted to him and it was if he was a drug that i simply couldn't get enough of.

I settled back at work about a few days after my return.

Detective Reeze called earlier today stating he'd pass so that we could look at the pictures I had taken from Azvameths office that day.

A part of me was feeling hurt at what I was doing.
After those two months in Italy with him it really clouded my judgement.

But I had work to do.

If it was one thing I had pound in my head was that, one day your lover can wake up and not love you again, but your job will never leave you willingly.

I tried calling Shak dozens of times, but it would only go to voicemails.
I wasn't sad or anything, but my mind just wanted clarity at this point. Sadly I couldn't even get my answers from his baby mother as she herself wasn't there, she had moved out and there were new people living there.

She didn't even leave a number with them.

Clearly not wanting to be found.

I wondered after a while if Shak left with her and Ocean.

It did hurt firstly, due to the fact that I actually thought we were making progress. To actually see he was just playing me once again. Just for his selfness, and his desires.

I was currently making a pizza.
I had already dressed it, and was popping it into the oven.

"375 degrees" i stated to myself, turning the oven on.

Just as I was about to clean myself up, my door bell rang.

Could it be him?

After so long, could it really be him?

Opening the door my happiness quickly left as it wasn't him...

It was actually no-one.

'what the fuck?'...'am I loosing it?' i thought. Closing the door.

About to walk off it, ringed again.

"now if you ring my bell again, and I don't see you... because I know you're out here... i will shoot you" I huffed walking out of the house after opening the door.

"boo" Akiela jumped out of the bushes as my gun came into contact with her head.
"awhhh" she groaned as she started rubbing it.

"sorry, sorry" i smiled nervously aiding her. "you know how my reflexes react"

"like a mother-fucker...wuh does really do alyuh boi" she winced, speaking in her 2nd native language.

I walked her inside, shoting the door behind us with my foot. "here's some ice" i stated as she took it, placing it on her now swollen forehead.
"something smells good in here" she inhaled deeply.

"i'm making pizza" i smiled bending down to look at it.

"just in time for a meal" she chuckled, wincing afterwards.

"seems so." i laughed. "where's Paige?" I questioned.

"have you seen her since you came back?" she asked as I rose a brow looking at her. "no"
"that's odd, i've been calling her for the past week, nearly two weeks and she hasn't answered my calls, worst yet she hasn't shown up for classes" she bit on a carrot infront of her. "i've checked with a guy i know she was seeing, and he hasn't seen her either.. the last time he said he saw her she was looking happy and like nothing was wrong" she shrugged.

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