Chapter 61

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                                                                            卂ᐯㄖ尺ㄚ丂' 卩.ㄖ.ᐯ.

"wake up" A heavy voice states as a liquid is felt on my skin.

'did i just get soaked with cold water?' i look at my body to see it hair no difference.

I try to move but it isn't possible. "who are you" i scream as who ever the man was left the room.

I had never seen him before.

"hello Avory" an all to familiar voice states as he walks in.

"Azvameth?" I question my intelligance as he stands infront of me.

He looks me up and down slowly as a smile appears on his lips.

"you look pretty" he licks his bottom lip biting on it.

"but how?" my breathing quickens as some tears now filled my eyes.

"what can i say baby,you can't kill the dead" 

"please i-"

"don't even bother beging" he walks up to me forcing my mouth open as he shoves a cloth in my mouth....tieing another over it. He steps back looking at me,letting out a simple,but mind catching laughter.

I struggle a little,but my hand is so tight behind my back that it barely budges.

"now i won't even really waste my time on speeches...because there's alot of things i've got to do...more important things" he shrugs and my heart thuds in a hard beat. "but first,i've been thinking of new ways to kill people and why not start with the love of my life" he winks as he states the last part...before laughing and walking to the door.

The door opens and something rolls in,by another unknown person.

"now" he pulls the blanket off of it. I struggle as i see whats infront of me "i'm giving you a can't say i'm unfair" he makes quotation marks,"you can either choose to have it tattooed or burnt unto your skin" he looks back at me.

I try to wiggle and scream....tears run down my eyes.

"you wouldn't like me to choose for you" he puts up a tattoo gun and an iron whip with 'R' on it. "so which one" I shake my head no,i wasn't going to be branded by anyone "ennie minnie miney mo-" he stops and looks at me..."time's running out sweetie"

"this one?" he raises the tattoo gun in which I shake my head no to "what about this one?" he raises the metal whip again I shake my head no. He clenches his jaw as frustration reaches "now if i have to fucking choose, i'm branding you with this" he raises the metal whip. 


                                                                          Äzvåmê†h'§ þ.ð.v.

I look at her, a part of me breaking and it truly feels like i'm hurting myself.

But I need to do this....for my peace of mind....fuck the heart.

"Avory" I look at her and stains of dried tears are on her face.

Why the fuck you had to hurt me like this.

I see her stuggle over and over again... "this one?" i raise the metal whip,she shakes her head....and i let out an annoyed sigh "this one?"... she finally shakes her head yes. "smart".

I rest the metal whip back on its stand,and I load the tattoo gun with ink.

I've given myself a few tattoos so I know what i'm doing.

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