Chapter 41

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*8 years ago.......*

The look of disappointment flashed across his face as he looked at the scene taking place infront of him.
Two people that he trusted with his everything.
Two people who vowed to never break his trust.

"brother" Azvon gasped as he acknowledged his presence. The woman he loved darely pulled the sheets covering her nude body as she looked at Azvameth.

"baby let me explain, it's not what it looks like" she pleaded as Azvameth felt his world crumbling his heart burning.

"so what is it?" Azvameth questioned.

"it was a mistake" Azvon stated.

"A mistake" Azvameth laughed devilishly. He pulled his gun from out of his back pocket pointing it at them one by one. "a fucking mistake is breaking a vase or misplacing a cellphone... fucking my girlfriend isn't classed as one" his voice raising a few octaves shouted.

"please brother, you don't want to do this" Azvon raised his hand in surrender, as his girlfriend cowered in fear.

"there's a lot of things i want to do-that you have no idea brother" he grumbled, 'brother' being used with as much hatred as possible.

shoot the fucking bastards... one voice said to Azvameth.... no, you're better than that, smarter than that... said another. are you just going to let them get away with this?, she was the love of your life, he knew that....
there are other ways...
back to back voices confufiled his mind, as his trigger begged to be pulled.

He was better than this.

This wasn't a way his brother had ever saw him. And he wasn't going to kill his brother over a bitch. But he wasn't taking dis-loyalty neither.
Instead, he'd make him pay.. make him feel what he felt that day.


*4 years after the incident....*

"Azvameth we shouldn't be doing this, i'm a few hours before being married."

"do you want me to stop?"


The memories of his past clouding his judgement. He intended to hurt his brother, greatly.
Why not start with who he loved the most.

The vendetta.

His tongue danced on the inside of his brothers soon to be wifes own. The lust filled desires as he pushed himself into her.

He wasn't only doing this for his own pleasure, but to fight the pain.
It was his way of dealing with it.
It was his way of stopping the burning sensation in his heart,once and for all.


"please don't tell him about this" Azvons wife begged pulling herself together to walk down the isle.

"i won't" he stated, pulling his gun out shooting her in the head.
He placed the gun near her life-less body. Exiting through a back-exit.

He knew taking her life wasn't something he should've done. But he only cared about himself momentarily.


Azvameth sat in his room with a bottle of whiskey. Drinking it down.
His clothes messy and his tie off.

He laughed as he heard the screeching of a car downstairs.

He knew leaving the video, as well as the gun would have Azvon eager to get here.

"you fucking asshole" Azvon shouted, as he swung the door open angrily.

"ow hey brother- how was the wedding?.... your bride looked so beautiful, she felt even better" A drunk Azvameth laughed. A dark humerous laugh.

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