Chapter 23

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"Are they sure this is him cuz" Akiela asked, eyes still glued to the picture before her.

"Bryson said it is.", "Its a recent picture from his "inside sources", sources my ass" I grumbled rolling my eyes.

"but his eyes are green, and his locks are pitched", Paige added

I sighed with a mumbled, "that was a year ago since we saw him"

"the hair is understandable, but the eyes" Paige laughed, "i don't think its possible to change your eye colour".

"one way to find out", I shrugged.


"You look extremely beautiful tonight" Shaks smooth voice greeted my earlobe as he zipped the back of my dress up.

Kissing my temple, as I looked at myself in the mirror. Him standing behind me dressed in a suite.

"You don't look to bad yourself" My eyes lured in his direction, as he smiled a pearly white smile.

"Shall we?", he asked.

"Lets go"

After roughly around 30 minutes we pulled up into a venue.

"La Royal De Danger" the voice in my head read the words with a hint of italian.

Looking at the fanciness of this place I grumbled internally 'i'm about to spend a-lot of money tonight', ensure to walk with my wallet.

We entered the building and was greeted by a waiter in costume, as his hand waved to another waiter.

"Reservations?" the girl asked with a warm smile.

"Yes, Di Lint" answered Shak as he smiled in my direction.

"Right this way please" she stated as she started walking, another waiter taking her spot.

"seat 28" she smiled, standing infront of the table "another waiter shall come to take your orders in a bit, do enjoy", she smiled before walking away.

"nice lady, isn't she", Shak smiled as he picked up his menu.

"Yeah I guess so" I hummed, skimming through mines.

"welcome to La Royal De Danger, what would you lovely folks be having tonight?" A middle aged man greeted us at the table.

"you can order first", I informed Shak as he shot me an innocent smile.

"I'll have a lemon flavored stake, with greens, and a slice of focaccia" Shak stated as the man wrote it down.

"And for the lady?" he smiled in my direction

"i'll have the same lemon flavored stake, with peas, a slice of Piadina, with a chilli flake" I smiled, closing the menu as both Shak and I handed him the menus.

"and to drink?" he smiled as he continued "Tonight we have red scotch, a newly added, loved by many"

"we'll take a bottle", I smiled. He nodded as he left leaving little words behind "coming up"

"you walked with your appetite I see" Shak smiled at me.

"What can I say, why not, it is a nice place you choose" I shot him a crocked smile as I tilted my head to the side.

"La Royal De Danger" he sighed out

He started to speak, as I nodded my head to nearly everything that flew out his mouth. Truth was, I wasn't listening to anything he was saying.
Instead my head was on the new case given.

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