Ch12: Green Light (3)

Start from the beginning

Martha: If you are looking for the perfect spot to finish your date, I recommend waiting a bit longer if you can and then heading north for a bit. You'll come across one of the most beautiful displays of colour you'll ever see in the sky.

Me: Oh, are you referring to the Aurora Borealis?

Martha: Yes. Though I think you'll want to be closer to the ground to see them, I can't say for certain. I've never flown in a plane before.

Me: That's alright. I'll follow your suggestion and stay low. Thanks for the suggestion.

Martha: Of course dear. I admit I was a bit shocked to hear the two of you dating given...well, you know...but as I continued watching you both and how you act around each other, you reminded me of my husband and me, the first time we met. Oh, the love we shared. I can see the same thing practically rolling off you both like waves.

Looking back, towards Enterprise, reveals that her husband and Enterprise are currently locked in conversation. Still, when our eyes lock, it's as though nothing exists besides us. She smiles before returning her attention to her own conversation and I do the same. Perhaps Martha is right after all.

Soon after, we return to the table and Enterprise and I begin eating our meal. I can't help but notice, though, that we both keep looking at each other. It's as though we're being drawn to each other. When we finally manage to finish our meal, we stay and talk with the couple that owns the restaurant for a bit longer before saying our goodbyes and heading outside.

Me: You know, for a first date, not bad Enterprise. Not bad at all.

She laughs as we continue walking hand in hand towards the waterfront. I consider telling her about my plans to stay here until it gets darker but one look at her tosses the thought from my mind. From the joy written on her face, I can tell she's in no hurry to leave and neither am I.

We spend the next two hours exploring the nearby surroundings. We build snowmen, play snowball fights, make snow angels, chase one another across the town of Anchorage but most importantly, we have fun. By the time we're ready to leave, the whole town knows who we are and everyone comes to wish us goodbye. Martha brings a container of food, saying it's for the trip back. We both thank her and I take it towards one of the Su-57s. Everyone gasps as it opens its canopy on its own and lowers its ladder. I climb up and fasten the container in the aircraft before jumping down. Once I'm clear, it seals itself.

Martha: Do make sure to come to visit us again sometime!

Me: We will, I promise. I look forward to having some more of your amazing cooking then!

She laughs and waves as Enterprise and I finish saying our goodbyes and climb aboard the J-16. We put on our helmets as the canopy comes down. Everyone steps back from the aircraft as the Engines of all three fire up. The Su-57s taxi ahead of us first but stop short of the runway, allowing us to go first.

Me: [Tower, this is Dragon One requesting clearance for take-off.]

Jackson: [Dragon One, you are cleared for take-off. Safe trip girls. We look forward to having you again!]

Enterprise: [It was nice to see you in good health again Jackson. Thanks for looking after the planes for us.]

Jackson: [My pleasure.]

Me: [It was nice to meet you as well Jackson.]

Jackson: [Likewise. Take care of her for me, will you?]

Me: [I will. Don't worry.]

Even though they've kept the runway fairly clear of ice and snow, I know that it might be difficult to take off. What's more, the runway isn't as long as modern-day runways but at the same time, it's also not too short. Still, I use full power to take off. Making full use of the afterburner, I manage to take off without much difficulty. Immediately after lifting off, however, I begin banking to the left.

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