Chapter 53: money, young love, and trouble

Start from the beginning

Ace added

"And New Years!"

Kayla said

"Yes and those too. Also the holidays makes some of these jobs more needed and popular. Christmas is great for photography. Halloween could be great for a creepy podcast. And those are just some examples."

Everybody came together and started making plans on what to do and what days to do it. We checked all our schedules and made a plan for the month.

"Alright! Let's do this!"

We did hands in the middle. Everybody exited the room. beside you and your uncle.

"Your parents would be so proud of you."

Your uncle started

"You really think so?"

You asked

"I know so. They always wanted you to do extraordinary things, and even though the world doesn't know it, the people who do know it also think so."

You both smile at each other


"Please y/n!"

"Greg I have to much work to do. Why don't you ask Vanessa."

"But I want to spend time with you! Your always so busy that I never see you anymore! Please just like three hours! I'm sure those two could last a couple hours without you."

"Yeah. Y/n you need a break anyways. You've been working non-stop. Go have some fun with Gregory."

Your uncle said. You sighed in defeat picking up gregory putting him on your shoulders.

"Alright let's go have some fun."

And you both walk out of the house. You then had an idea

"Hey Greg. Mind if I invite my cousin. She's around your age I think you'll both like each other."

"Okay I guess."

You texted Clement and asked to borrow Charlotte for the day. He was fine with it as long we brought her back at 8:30

You both arrive at the shop and Gregory was surprised to see the girl he met at the park a couple days ago.

Charlotte eyes lit when she saw Gregory

"Hi Gregory!"

She said excitedly, surprising you

"Hi Charlotte."

He said

"Oh? You two have met before?"

You asked

"Yeah! Gregory helped me get my monty plushy back from a big kid! It was so cool he jumped down for the air kicking his back! Like KYA-POW!"

Charlotte told you while making a kicking motion

"Really? Well that's very sweet o f you gregory. But Charlotte would you like to hangout with me and Gregory today?"

She jumped up and down excitedly

"I would love too!"

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