Chapter 59: THE BIG NEWS

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Anushka's POV:
A spacious room with a classy couch in one corner along with a table, a beautiful plant in other corner, a big glass window, a huge bossy chair in front of a table properly managed and a lots and lots of files on it. Sounds boring? Nah, Not to me. This is my cabin, my favourite place in the whole office for obvious reasons. I have designed it myself entirely, all the interiors, furniture- everything has been personally decided by me. This is NUSH's main office and being on the 24th floor, my cabin gives an amazing view of the sea and that's the reason I can spend hours looking through the window and the last 2 months has been exactly this way. Virat and team went to Srilanka just after 2 days of Ro and Rits wedding, while Ro took break from the series and went to Maldives with Ritsy whereas I came back to my work and that's what I'm doing for the past two months. Yeah, one more thing I do is miss Virat. Finally, my Vee is coming back today and I can't wait to see him but looks like I'll have to wait till evening because my work is definitely not leaving me before that. Before I could have sulked more, I saw a commotion in my office. My employees were gathering together and I can already see chaos all around. Now, what are these guys upto? I'll have to go out and check putting up the rude boss facade again. As I stepped out of my cabin, the crowd had just doubled up. Even my PA Meera was nowhere to be seen, she must be one among this crowd. These people are going to get a nice lecture for this but I still need to find out the reason. 
“What the hell is happening here?” I shouted with a thundering voice that reached almost every corner of the damn floor. Suddenly silence surrounded everyone and they made way for me to see the main reason. In the centre, there stood my boyfriend- The Dashing and very Popular Mr Virat Kohli looking clueless. Now I know what exactly happened. My whole office had a fanboy/fangirl moment. This is the first time Vee has come to my office. How I wish to pass a smile to all these innocent humans who are scared as hell right now but my boss image will suffer a huge setback.
“Go back to work people. And I need silence around the office. Got it?” they all nodded their head in a yes and went back to work not without stealing one or two glance of Virat again. I saw Virat just taking notice of his surroundings all this while, I instantly reached him and wrapped my hand around his arm and started walking towards my cabin.
“Meera, make sure nobody disturbs me, no phone calls and meetings” I said and without waiting for her reply got into my cabin. We entered and Virat locked the door and as soon as he turned to face me, I literally jumped over him and took him in a hug, thankfully Virat managed not to fall. Oh, how I missed his warm embrace. As we pulled out of the hug, I pressed my lips against his and he took no time to deepen the kiss. After we were out of breath, we finally broke the kiss.
“Looks like somebody was missing me badly” he teased me with a smirk on his face.
“As if it's not the same case with you” He chuckled.
“Oh, I forgot. Here you go. Beautiful flowers for the beautiful lady. And a gift too” He said giving me a bouquet and a paper bag that he was carrying and I didn't even noticed that till now. Chehre se nazar hategi to kuch or dekhungi na- I mentally thought.
“Awwweeee... I love these flowers” I said taking the flowers from him and smelling them. Fresh daisies.
“What about me, Miss Sharma?” Virat asked with a fake disappointed look.
“Oh, don't get jealous, boy. I love you also” Saying this, I placed a kiss on his cheek and then placed the bouquet carefully on my desk. He gave me the gift and asked me to open it. It was a beautiful pendant with A and V initials hanging having small diamonds.
“Oh my god. This is so beautiful, Vee” I said looking at the pendent dreamily.
“Just like you” He said and I blushed.
“So cheesy, Virat”
“What's the loss if being cheesy brings that pink shade to your cheeks?” He chuckled.
“Okay now, make me wear it.” I demanded and he instantly took the pendant out of the box and asked me to turn. Pulling all my hairs on one side, he slowly made me wear the pendant, his hands touching the bare skin on my neck in the process. His one touch can set on me fire and I already had goosebumps all over my body. He again turned me to face him and we both looked at the pendant.
“Thank you so much” I exclaimed.
“This pendant looks like it was only made for you” He said and then slightly bended and kiss the pendant lying on my neck, placed a kiss on my forehead and then joined our foreheads.
“These random gifts are our thing” I said.
“They'll always be” He replied and both of us smiled.
After a while of talking to each other about different things I asked Virat to get back to home as I'll have to work till evening but as usual my boyfriend denied. I told him that he'll get bored here as I will have to be immersed in these files but as per his words “I can never get bored having you around, even if it just means keep staring at your face”. After this, I had no point to state so that justifies the situation right now. I am working on files and everything while Virat is just sitting on the couch looking at me or sometimes using his phone in between. Everyone who's entering my cabin like my PA, or any other employees whom I'm calling spend the first 2 minutes after entering looking at Virat or should I say, staring at Virat. But not their fault, my boyfriend's charms are irresistible and I know that. After a while, Virat got a call from Mahi bhai who asked him to meet to discuss something important. He told me that he'll be back here after meeting him and went away. Time passed really quick as I had a lot on my plate today, I glanced at the clock and realised that it's already been 3 hours since Virat had gone. I decided to call him once this short meeting with Meera and some of the employees from different departments ends. I was standing near the board in my cabin when the gate of my cabin flew open and Virat stood there with his face numb and the next thing i know is Virat taking me in a hug. I was too shocked to react something but i motioned all of the people present there to move out.
“Veee” I called in a low voice but no reaction. I kept rubbing his back and finally made him sit on the couch and knelt on my knees in front of him.
“What happened, Virat? Everything's alright? You went to Mahi Bhai's house, is everything fine there? You're scaring me, Vee... Tell me” I asked him but his expressionless face gave nothing but now he looked into my eyes.
“Mahi bhai has resigned from captaincy” As Virat said this, I was shocked. Before I could've asked anything, he continued.
“And he has made me the next all formats captain of team INDIA” Saying this, a tear slipped out from his eyes.
“Oh my god! REALLY?” This was all i could say, honestly my heart was bursting with the sudden shocking piece of information it has recieved and I can totally understand what Virat must be feeling so i took no time before taking him in a hug. When i sensed that Virat is finally getting a little relaxed, I sat beside him on the couch.
“Nushkie, Why is Bhai doing this? He is the Best Captain ever. Then why this?” Virat's words were true and understood. Mahi bhai, the most successful captain ever is resigning from captaincy and Virat is one of the few person who has seen the brilliance of Mahi Bhai up close and personal then this definitely is a huge shock for him.
“I know Vee. Mahi bhai is the genius of this game thus if he has decided something I'll not question that ever. He must be having his reasons”
“I know that and I asked him too. He said that he wants to enjoy these last some years of his cricket. He said that he wants the future captain to be ready to lead the team when he retires. He said that it's his time to resign and let the next generation take the driving seat” Virat told me and I could imagine Mahi bhai saying these same words to Virat.
“If he thinks so, he is nowhere wrong, Vee. And nobody knows what's best for the team more than Mahi bhai and if he has decided something, it must be in the great interest of the Indian cricket.” I told Virat.
“But making me the captain... Am I even capable of taking up this huge responsibility? I am not a genius like Mahi Bhai, I can never be, Not even 10% of him. I can't stay calm in situations like he does, I can't be the perfect idol for the younger generation like he is... Will I do justice with this honour to lead team India ever? Is it fair?” Virat asked and I could see how he has gone on a deep self doubt journey which is extremely rare.
“Yes Vee, you are not a genius like Mahi bhai but you don't need to be. You can't keep calm in situations like he does and you also don't have to be. Being cool and calm in situations was his strength, being instinctive and passionate is your strength. Being the smartest cricketing brain was him, Being bold and brave while taking decisions is you. You are nothing like him, because you don't have to be like him. There has been only one Mahendra Singh Dhoni and just like, There is only one Virat Kohli. Yes, you will need to learn a whole lot of things about captaincy from Mahi bhai, from his experience and that will happen with time. And to be someone's idol, you need not to be perfect and you already is an inspiration for the young lads. You are capable of being the Captain that's why Mahi bhai has chosen you. Believe in yourself, Believe in your Mahi bhai and take this honour with pride and head held high.” I said whatever I had in my heart. He seemed a little better after listening to me.
“But what if I fail? I don't want to disappoint the team, Mahi Bhai, you or my family.” Virat asked.
“Everyone fails Vee. Failure is the key to success. You can't be the Greatest Captain overnight, it'll take some hard losses, some hard fought victory, some critisism, some appreciation. You will have a taste of everything in this journey and I know you'll stand tall and brave throughout this and will emerge as a Leader in the end having your own legacy behind you. For now, all you need is to take this challenge like you always do with utmost passion.” My words were finally helping Virat. How I wish people could see what goes behind these players reaching the heights of success. It's not just the matches, the practice sessions but all those times when they fight their inner turmoil, when they push away the self doubt that crept on every now and then, when they pick themselves from dark after losses.
“But I'm not the only deserving in the team. Rohit is as talented as me or maybe more. He is a great captain and has proved himself leading MI. He deserves it too. What if he feels that I have snatched something that was meant for him? What if Ro feels that he has been wronged? I can't loose my friendship at any cost, that is way more precious to me.” Virat stated and this man gives me new reasons everytime to love him more and more. The way he keeps his people and his relations above the worldly achievements takes my heart everytime.
“Vee, If Ro would have got the captaincy, Would you have think the same?”
“No, I would've been the happiest man on the planet. I would've called him the second i'd have got to know about the news. I would've jumped all over the place and killed him if he denied to give me a treat. I have seen Ro working hard and I know he would've deserved it.” Virat replied almost instantly as if playing the same scenario in his mind.
“So what make you think Ro will react otherwise?” Before he could've replied, my phone rang. I picked it up to see Ro's name flashing on my screen.
“Is Virat with you, Anu?” He asked me as soon as I picked up the call. He sounded as if he has been running for the last one hour.
“Yes, wait let me put the call on speaker” I said and turned on the speaker.
“Virat...” Ro said in haste
“Yes, Ro?” Virat said hesitantly.
“You moron, bloody idiot, stupid, dumbass... I'll kill you.” I and Virat both passed each other a look.
“What happened, Ro?” Virat asked as calmly as possible.
“Where the fuck is your phone? Throw that useless gadget in some dustbin because what's the use if you can't pick up calls? Here, I'm all ready to blast with these stupid feelings that are overflowing and you aren't even picking up my calls. I swear I'm killing you when i meet you” listening to Rohit, Virat took out the phone from his pocket to see Ro's 54 missed calls.
“Why are you feeling that way? Is everything okay?” Virat asked.
“Have you had some memory loss or something?” Virat nodded his head in a No to Rohit's question.
“Stupid, we ain't on a video call. Stop nodding your head” Rohit said from other side. How well these two know each other.
“So, if you haven't had any memory loss then why are u asking me this dumb question? You have become the full time captain of the Indian team. Oh god, I can't believe thisssss.... Man, someone pinch me. I have almost ate all the sweets at home to calm my excited self but I still feel like jumping on the bed. And you moron, didn't even pick my call. I almost had an attack when i heard the news. God forbid, if anything would've happened to me, I would've been the first man on earth to die out of happiness. But then I would've haunt you for the rest of your life. You bloody monster didn't pick my calls. Stupid, Asshole..  I even got scolded by Rits when I jumped on her favourite couch, she is still giving me a death glare.. all because of you. I swear i so want to kill you” I smiled at Ro's rambling while Virat sat amazed.
“You're happy, Rohit?” Virat asked in just a mere whisper
“Have you gone deaf or what? This is what I've been blabbering since the last 10 minutes.” Rohit replied and finally a smile came on Virat's face.
“I love you, Rohit” Virat said with his eyes slightly wet.
“But I don't. Look, I'm very angry on you for not picking up my calls so you better make it up for me. For the whole next week, you'll take me to the best restaurants in Mumbai. Only then, I'll think to forgive you” Virat chuckled and agreed to Ro's request.
“Okay, now don't waste my time. I've to sleep” Rohit said.
“hmm” came the reply from the other end.
“I hope that ‘ate all sweets at home’ was just a mere exaggeration.” Virat asked suspiciously.
“You didn't eat so many sweets.. did you?” Virat asked hopefully.
“Ofcourse, I did..” Rohit said laughing.
“Now, I'll kill you when we meet. How can you eat so many sweets? Bloody Elephant” Virat yelled while Rohit laughed and I sat there listening to their conversation in awee. Even they don't realise how pure and deep their friendship is and stupid media claims about rift between them. The call disconnected and Virat looked at me with happiness beaming on his face. He took me in a hug and then took my lips into a soft kiss.
“I love you, Mr Captain” I said with my lips still over his making him smile.

One month later:

Virat's POV:
Nervousness was something that was just a word for me but now standing in the dugout waiting for the call for toss, I know what Nervousness really means. Today is the first time I'll walk as a captain on the field, and more than the excitement, the nervousness is taking over me. The stadium is full and 95% of the crowd is Indian thus the chants are so loud that they could be heard from a mile distance and it's not something new when the stadium is Feroz Shah Kotla. Just when I was lost deep into my thoughts, Mahi Bhai came and put his hand on my shoulder bringing me back from my train of thoughts. A smile automatically formed on my lips. There are only some people who can calm my nervous self only by a mere gesture or look, One is here standing with a hand on my shoulder, the other ones are standing right in front of me in the family box- Anushka and Maa. As the match was in India only, my whole family has come to see me play. Maa, Bhaiya-Bhabhi, Aarav. I want this match to be a memorable one for all of them. I stepped out on the ground for the toss and the crowd cheered. As Ion Bishop tossed the coin, it luckily went in my favour and I won my first ever toss. Things went on and on and the match started. It was an ODI series against New Zealand.
We won the match with 6 balls to spare. Mahi bhai finished the match with his trademark Helicopter shot and that's how my first match as Full Time captain of Indian team resulted in a win. The match was followed by a little celebration in the dressing room. Later, I met my family in the hotel. After spending some happy time with them, I and Nushkie retired to our room and soon slept in each other's arms.

Wohhoooooo!! Another update🥳🥳🥳....
So, Mr Kohli is Mr Captain now...
Keep reading, Stay happy 😁

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