Chapter 35: REUNION

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Third person POV:
She woke up next morning to Virat's post and media articles. She was now used to all these media news. The next thing she saw was Virat's images at airport and reality striked her. He has left for Delhi and here starts the 6 days.
She did her morning routine and final decided to engage herself in work. She started working on her new business which she wanted to open for her mother. Virat called her in the noon after reaching and they talked. After the call, Anushka again started missing him. She didn't know what was happening to her. She spent her all her day like this. Engaging herself in some work, cooking, facetiming family and calling Virat. The rest 5 days also went like this. However, she once went for shopping with Chetna, once went for lunch with Ro but almost all the time she was bored and missed Virat. She was by now clear that these feeling are getting stronger and stronger and she was unable to resist herself from thinking about Virat. All day long, Virat was on her mind as if he owns that.

Anushka's POV
Today, Virat will be coming back. Finally, I somehow survived these 6 days and my family is still not back. They will come back after 3 days. But as of now, I am happy that he is coming, I'll finally get to meet him. I missed him a lot in these 6 days and I really think I like him. I never wanted to feel that way for anybody, neither I want these feelings of mine to grow but nothing is in my control. I have developed strong feelings for Vee and I don't know where will this lead us but for me the most cherished will be our friendship and in no way, I'm going to risk it. It was 3 in the noon and Virat's flight must have landed. I so wanted to pick him up but media.. so I just dropped the idea. I got Virat's call that means he is back in town.
“So, Miss Anushka Sharma, I am back after 6 days and you didn't even come to pick me up.”
“Mr Popular Kohli, the media would have made it the news of the decade. So I dropped the idea” I replied and he chuckled.
“Accha listen, you should be going home. So, firstly go meet your family and then if you want, we can meet.” I offered.
“Okay then I'll see you at 7. But where?”he asked
“Let's not go outside and meet at my place. What say?” I asked.
“Perfect. So it's dinner at your place today.Byee, see you soon” he said and hung up the call.
I did my work and then started preparing dinner. I cooked Virat's favourite dishes- Rajma Chawal, Butter Chicken, and some Chinese for starters. And lastly ordered Ice-cream for deserts. After doing all the preparation, I went to change my dress as I spoiled this one while cooking. I was getting dressed up when the door bell rang and I couldn't control myself so I just ran with the speed of bullet and opened the door. There he was, standing with a bright smile on his face and I literally jumped over him to hug him. He somehow managed not to fall and then hugged me tightly. None of us broke the hug before 2 minutes and then finally I moved. I saw him and went speechless, I had so much to say, so much to tell, so much to express but words denied to form after seeing him. I just stood there looking in his eyes and he also didn't say a word. He cupped my face and gently placed a kiss on my forehead. That's the best way to show all the feelings and we again hugged.
“Let's go in.” I finally said breaking the hug.
“It feels so amazing to see you Nushkie. Hope you didn't miss me much” he said coming in.
“Ohh, I did a lot. But finally you are here. I am very happy Vee.” we both sat on the couch lying in the hall and he wrapped his arms around me.
“So, how was the function?” I asked.
“It was good. Going to Delhi always bring back the earlier days memories. Quite special” he said.
“I understand. Btw, I have one thing to show you. Wait here only. I'll be back in a minute” I stood up and ran to my room. He didn't understood anything. I came in 2 minutes with a gift box in my hand. I gave that to him.
“Here you go. It's for you.”
“For me? Why?” he said taking the gift box.
“You remember I told you, you need not to wait for a special occasion to give your family a gift” he smiled at my words and I again sat beside him on the couch.
He opened it and became very happy instantly. It was a stylish Rolex watch.
“Woow Nushkie, I wanted this watch for a long time but it was out of stock. This is super amazing. Thanks a lot” he was very happy.
“I know how much you love watches and I visited an exhibition so bought this one for you.” I replied.
“You are the best Nushkie. I loved it.” he said still having that priceless smile on his face. Now how is it possible to not like this human or to not feel for him?
“Nushkie, I'm very hungry. Let's have dinner yarr” he said and we both went to the table. He saw the food and again became very happy.
“U are a great cook, Anushka.. I missed this Ghar ka khana a lot.. This is extremely delicious” he appreciated me while licking his fingers.
“Vee, you are just praising me a way too much. It's just food.” I said.
“Nushkie, ye khana nhi jeevan hai jeevan” he said acting like 90's heroine.
“This dialogue will suit only on Ro.” i said and we both laughed.
“Btw, Did you talk to Ro after the tour?” he asked.
“Yes, I even met him 3 day ago on lunch. He is totally in love yrr” I said and he suddenly looked at me surprisingly.
“You know about that?” he asked with raised eyebrows.
“Yeah, he told how much he loves Ritika. Even he will confess to her tomorrow. Just praying for him to get what he wants” I said.
“Yeah, I am so happy for him. I never say it out loud but Ro is one of the best human I have come across. He is so pure, innocent and loving that her partner will be the luckiest. He will make such an amazing partner.” his eyes were literally glowing when talking about Ro.
“You love him too much right?” I asked
“Yes, I do. Not only him but Mahi bhai, Jaddu and all of them. They are the people who were with me when I was just a commoner, they were the same with me then as they are now. They have always loved me despite of the succeses and failures I have had. I trust them and I can't afford to see them in pain. People outside think we are just team or teammates or we have ego clashes, but I never think of them as my teammates. They are my brothers. Just like brothers have fights or arguments, we also do but those are not ego clashes. That's the reason I love cricket so much. Cricket has given me some priceless relationships that I'll cherish and protect for the rest of my life” he said every word so sincerely. His eyes were speaking how honesty his every words holds. I passed him a gentle smile and we continued having dinner.

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