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Third Person POV:
Virat-Anushka made their way to the dining hall of the hotel and they were quite immersed in their talk when the whole team saw them. Everyone knew who Anushka was and they had also seen her in the evening during the water fight but what they couldn't understand was the reason behind her arrival. Yuzi and Rahul also had confusion but the happiness to have Anushka with them was much much bigger than the confusion. As Anushka finally looked at the team, she directly made her way to Yuzi and Rahul while Virat went towards Gayle and AB. Anushka hugged both of them and the three of them didn't back out from the hug before Yuzi screamed.
“Are yar, leave me. You both gym freak will strangle me. I don't want to die this soon” Everyone laughed on Yuzi and finally Anushka and Rahul left him.
“Guys, so happy to see you. It's been two fucking months.” Anushka said and her smile was confirming how honest her words were. She has missed being with her 15 idiots a lot in the past month. Their bickerings, their nonsense, their fights, their stupidities, their complaints, their follishness. She has missed everything. Afterall, they all made her feel at home when she was not, they all held her in their arms when she was in pain, they all searched for her shoulder when they were down. They all were her family and when you meet your family members after two months, don't you want to just squeeze them with hugs and want to talk to them endlessly. That's what Anushka's heart wanted at the the moment, she met them in the evening also but her wet state didn't let her emotions come out and she was more focused on how stupid she looked in front of the team. However she still hugged Yuzi being all wet who ran away the very next moment. Virat was understanding every emotion that Anushka's expressions carried and he was so happy to see his kiddos and his love so happy. All the other players were however still shocked to see how well Anushka bonds with the team and how close she is to them.
“Anushka, Everything's fantastic but how come you here?” Rahul asked and Anushka looked at Virat who was also smiling. She didn't want to hide anything from them but sometimes, you need to do what you don't want to. Same was the case with her.
“Nothing much Rahul, your captain was just being very adamant to make me watch an IPL match live so I thought why not join you guys for the playoff matches?” Anushka told.
“Great. That's the best thing Virat bhai has done till now.” The whole team had a laugh on Yuzi's statement while Virat just glared at him.
“And do you know what's the worst thing I've done till now?... Agreeing to bring you to RCB” This was usual conversation between Yuzi and vee.
“But I am pretty sure Mahi bhai, Ro, Shikkhi pa and Jaddu bhai and everyone will blast on you Anushka after getting to know that you joined us for the playoffs.. and specially Ro” Rahul warned.
“We'll have to think of ways to calm them down after the IPL.” Anushka replied. Anushka then excused herself as she saw Virat calling her. She went and there stood AB, one more player and a beautiful woman with a little toddler in her arms.
“Nushkie, she is Danielle. AB's wife. And this is the their cute baby” Virat said.
“Hii Danielle. I'm Anushka. So happy to see you. And I must tell you you are very beautiful.” Anushka said forwarding her hand for a shake which Danielle gladly accepted.
“Thanks a lot for the compliment Anushka and I am literally jumping out of happiness since AB told me about your arrival. Finally, I'll have a company.” Danielle said and Anushka could feel the connection within a minute with her.
“And what's this cutie's name? He is soo cute yarr. I am already having a cuteness complex with this cute handsome boy” Anushka said looking at the 9-10 months old child.
“He is AB junior. And I must tell you that he loves Virat the most among all of us. Even more than me.” Ab said sulking.
“If you guys ever been to chemistry classes then you must have heard that like dissolves in like, polar dissolves in polar. So same here, Cute people likes cute people. He likes me because I am cute like him” Virat said raising his imaginary collars but looks like he forgot that his lady is two steps ahead of him in all these things.
“Vee, then you obviously must have bunked your physics classes otherwise you would've known that Opposites attracts. I hope you get my point” And this was enough for the whole gang to have fun at Virat's cost.
“Can we have dinner now? I am very hungry” Virat said.
“We get it Virat. This is the best way to escape this laughter session exclusively on your cost. I get it buddy” Gayle said and another sets of laughter.
“Btw I forgot to introduce myself, I am the universe boss, Chris Gayle” Gayle said in his ever badass attitude. Virat got a bit stressed about how'll Anushka think of him because any new person will always think him as some arrogant and overconfident human and Virat surely didn't want that to happen but Anushka was smart enough to know that it was all in a positive way and she was observing how fun-loving he is so she knew that his attitude is just one aspect of his carefree nature and he is as amazing human being as others.
“Let's have dinner guys. It's been an hour of our nonstop nonsense.” AB said and the whole team sat on the table. Anushka was quite happy how things turned out. She didn't feel left out neither did she feel like making anyone uncomfortable. But she has still met only Virat's close friends and his already friends Rah and Yuzi. She wanted to meet the youngsters and have a talk with them and wanted to gel with them too but unfortunately the time didn't allow. She made a mental note to do that also. Anushka sat beside Virat and the team had a fantastic time at dinner.
“Okay, Good night guys. See you tomorrow” AB said and the whole team bid bye to each other and left. On their way back to rooms, Anushka asked Virat about tomorrow's plan.
“Vee, What's tomorrow schedule?” Anushka asked.
“Tomorrow is the team bonding session as we had two hectic practice days. So just  hours of practice tomorrow. So, we will hopefully have time together. I'll text you my whole schedule also.” Vee said.
“Great. And when is your next match?” Anushka asked.
“Our next match is after 2 days with RR. Whoever will win will go to the finals, I hope we win.”
“You will. And what about Mahi bhai and Ro's team. When is their match?”
“Umm, their match is the next day after ours and it's elimination. I don't know whom to support. And this happens everytime. This is the only reason I don't like IPL.” Virat said getting quite upset.
“It's just a match Vee. And at the end of the day you all are indian cricket players so don't think much about it. And I'm more in a fix than you, my two brothers will be fighting against each other and then maybe my boyfriend and one of my brother will be playing against each other and I am still all chill. So you better not overthink about this.” Anushka tried to ease Virat.
They reached their rooms and said bye to each other. Both of them landed on their beds after the happy day and just then Virat messaged her the whole schedule and they planned to have breakfast together.

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