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Anushka's POV:
We reached the hotel and it's an off day so we all retired to our rooms. I ordered my breakfast but as soon as I sat on the bed, I felt cramps. Ahh shit, I can't handle first day period cramps and jet lag all at once. Please god, don't do this. But my prayers went unanswered and here I was lying on my bed with absolute pain. I called for room service and asked them to bring a hot water bag. The waitress brought my food and hot water bag together, I took them and told her to bring another hot water bag after nearly 2 hours. She left but I didn't close the door because I knew that my pain is only going to go a level up in the next two hours and I won't be able to open the door for her. And moreover, I was no way getting any sleep so I can manage with my door open.
Time passed really slow and as usual I was experiencing worst cramps and cheery on top is the jet lag which was forcing me to shut my eyes while the pain had other plans. From past one hour I am crying because of the pain I am into. I obviously miss Arnav and mumma the most, they know how to cheer me up and how to make me go through this. But,now I am miles away from them and maybe I'll have to deal with this myself. Just when these thoughts were going in my head, some 10-15 person barged into my room and literally made me sit and hugged me. What the hell...How dare them. I was just about to kick them when I saw their faces.
Oh god, these are the same mad people who happens to be my second family. But what the hell are they doing here? Why are they looking so worried? Why they planned to attack me with this hug? Before I could ask any of my doubts, they fired me with questions. I could barely understand what they were trying to ask as they were speaking all together. Total madness.
“Okay guys, Stop. Can you act a little sensible and talk one by one? You will surely give me a headache otherwise.” They listened to me and finally got quiet before Mahi bhai started with the questions.
“Anushka, Why were u crying? And don't u dare lie, we saw you crying.”
Ohh, so this was the reason they all got so tensed. Before I could answer I heard another question. It was Virat this time.
“And why was the door of your room not locked? Didn't you tell us you never leave the door of your room open?” He remembers every small thing I tell him. Such a sharp memory he has. But this is definitely not the time to admire his memory, I opened my mouth to answer but here goes another question.
“And what about this hot water bag?” said Rishab.
“And Di, you didn't even had breakfast. Why?” It was Kuldeep pointing at my breakfast.
I made another attempt to answer but it was Ro this time.
“Anushka, before you answer these questions, I have even more important thing to tell u” looks like he really has some good news bcoz he was looking so happy so I asked him what it is.
“You know what, They all forgot to ask you for lunch and then it was me who remembered.” Rohit said and my eyes opened wide with shock coz Rohit Sharma remembered something..Am I in some parallel universe..? The whole team on the other hand slapped their heads with their hands on his stupidity. Then Mahi bhai asked me to answer them and I could see how worried the whole team was. Should I just say it? I should but what if the team is not comfortable on talking about periods openly. But I should say the truth and it's nothing to be not talked about. I was just about to say when Virat started:
“Oh, I get it. I get it... Are you on your periods?” oh, man. How does this man always gets me? The team looked at me to clarify if he is right or not.
“Yeah” before I could say anything more, Mahi bhai pulled me into a warm hug. It felt so good, felt like home.
“Bacha, you could have told any of us. Why were u crying here in your room? Not done.”
“Yeah Anushka, we aren't team just for name sake, we are literal Family. You can't keep your pain to yourself.” Ash said making me believe that choosing to be a part of this team was by far the best decision of my life.
“Anushka, how are you feeling now? Tell us how can we help you?  I, I mean We can't see you crying in pain” Virat said.
“I feel better now. Actually guys, I didn't know that are u guys even comfortable talking about periods or it's still a tabboo. that's why didn't bother any of you. And coming to me crying, the thing is I experience really painful cramps so it's nothing more. I am okay” They listened to me calmly.
“Anushka, what's there to not talk about. We know it's normal and we all are sensible enough to break the unwanted mystery around this topic. And you can come to us anytime to discuss any kind of problem without thinking whether we'll be comfortable or not” Ro gave me a nice lecture but I loved the concern they have for me.
“Anushka, we can't just sit here while you bear such pain..Tell us what can we do?” Harry asked.
“Guys, Your concern and care is enough for me. I was thinking how will I manage alone but why fear, when you all are here?” I said and they all again hugged me. My family in true sense. They all left the room giving me stern warnings to have lunch and call them if needed.. I felt a lot better after meeting them, I had my lunch and then tried to get a sleep and I thankfully succeeded.

Virat's POV:
We all left the room and I still can't believe how can women be so strong. Going through so much pain and still manage to put up a smile when required. Hats off.. We all were feeling helpless as we couldn't help Anushka in any way.
“Guys, we can't do much for her but atleast try to keep her happy and cheerful. Cheeku, you and Anushka share a great bond, so keep a check whether she needs anything or not..Now, let's have lunch.” Mahi bhai said and we all had lunch and went to Ro's room to play PUBG. We all spent the rest of the day at Ro's room doing nothing, and ofcourse we time to time checked on Anushka.
It was 9 at night and I was returning to my room when I saw Anushka at the hotel's backyard. I wanted to have a talk with Anushka since afternoon but couldn't get the time. I went to her and she was peacefully enjoying her walk. I gave a thought and decided to not disturb her and turned to go to my room but she called me in time.
“Ohh. I thought of not disturbing you. You were finally having a relaxing time in the whole day” I explained her the reason I was going back. She asked me to join her and I did so.
“How are you feeling now?”
“Much better. And this Australian weather is making things even better. That's why I thought of having a walk here”
“Yeah. The weather is so good.”
I said and she nodded. Then we kept walking in silence. Silence which was unusual, but not at all uncomfortable. I decided to initiate the conversation.
“Anushka, Isn't it difficult for you to work with us.. I mean, isn't it difficult to work being the only female in the team?” I had this question for long in my head but I couldn't keep it in me any longer so I asked her. She gave me a gentle smile and answered me.
“Yes Virat, it do gets difficult sometimes. To be honest, Initially it was tough. To be around people who are already a close knit family, you can't be a part of them in a day or two. There were days when I felt like whom to share my feelings with. But, as they say good things take time. It took time for me to be part of the family and now, the things are totally different. I can go to anyone and share my thoughts and feelings without the fear of being judged. Now,I know Everyone in the team is there for me to support me. I have been to many countries, different colleges, worked in so many companies but still I had no friend whom I can rely on. And now, I have you as my friend whom I can rely on and trust blindly. So now it doesn't even affect me that I am the only female here.”
Her words did make me feel special. She also considers me as her trust worthy friend, this made me happy.
“Anushka, I can only promise to never break your trust.”
“don't you even dare otherwise I will complain to Ro and Mahi bhai and they will surely break your bones then” she said and we both laughed at this. Such an amazing soul she is.

Third person POV:
Mahi who was witnessing his Cheeku and his kiddo from the balcony of his room was having a wide smile on his face. He was happy with the way Anushka became a part of the team. He always knew Anushka was a gem and thus wanted his Cheeku to get along well with her and now to see their friendship blossom and them having good time and meaningful conversations was a treat to his eyes. He knew his Cheeku has suffered enough and he needs to be surrounded by the person who really cares for him, and he also knew that Anushka has also deep wounds in her heart and she also needs to be protected and loved. Thus, seeing them together was giving all kind of happiness to Mahi and with a happy heart he drifted to sleep. Anushka and Virat also talked for sometime and then retired to their respective rooms.

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