Chapter 45: THE BIG MATCH

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Next day:
The team was having breakfast together in hotel dining area when Kiara entered the hotel. Everyone went upto her, Anushka took her into a hug and then she hugged Virat. The whole team also greeted her.
"How was your flight, Kiara?" asked Anushka.
"As fabulous as I'm. And I'm so excited for the match and thanks buddy for convincing her" Kiara answered.
"Anything for you, KIA..." Virat replied back.
"Kiara, so good to see you again" Mahi bhai said taking Kiara in a side hug.
"Same here bhai... I wanted to meet you all for so long but you know how strict my sister is. She never allows me" Kiara complained.
"Don't worry KIA, we'll not let her torture you now." Rohit said and Anushka sulked.
"Leave everything aside but only I can call her KIA. Don't you dare steal that" Virat declared.
"Nicknames do not have copyrights so shut up" Rohit replied.
"And here goes another Rohirat stupid fight" Rahul announced and the team just glared at the two idiots then the team along with Kaira had breakfast together having lots of stupid conversations.
"KIA, Here are your room keys. Go and get some rest." Virat suggested Kiara while leaving for practice with the team.
"No buddy, I don't want to live in a room alone, I'll share Di's room otherwise I'll get bored" Anushka agreed to Kiara's wish and the team headed for their practice while Anushka stayed back with Kiara because she didn't had anything much to do in the ground and also wanted to give company to Kiara. Both of the sisters had a gala time together- going for walk, having lunch at a restaurant and then clicking millions of pictures together in the park. The team also had a good time at practice. The rest of the 2 days also went away quite quickly. Kiara explored Dubai while Team and Anushka were busy in preparing for finals. Finally, it was the day for finals. The team was having breakfast when Anushka asked Mahi if she can attend the match with Kiara in the family box. Mahi agreed but after strictly instructing her to join the team on the ground instantly after the match ends, no matter what the result will be, his words were "I need my whole team together after the match no matter we win or lose we will deal with it together. So, you have to join us instantly after the match ends. Okay?" and Anushka agreed to it in a second. The team went to ground after the breakfast while Anushka and Kiara waited for 3 more hours before making their way to ground to attend the match. It was World Cup final between Ind Vs NZ and the importance of this match is unparalleled and everyone knew that. Everyone back in India were sticked to their tv and phone screens leaving all their work for this match. Many bollywood celebrities who'd have preferred Maldives were now in Dubai cricket stadium watching this final match live. Thousands of Indians flew to Dubai to just watch this match live and there was not even a single seat left in the stands. This all shows how important match was this. The crowd were cheering, there were banters going around in the fans of both of teams even before the match has started. This was the craze and Anushka understood why they say Cricket is a religion in India because it truly is. As chaotic was the environment in the stands, the oppositely peaceful was it in the dressing room. The players were unusually silent and nervous and wasn't it obvious before such an important match. Anushka and Kiara took their seats in the family box and Mahi went for toss. India lost the toss and were invited to bowl first. The toss had to play a major role but unfortunately it didn't go India's way. Anushka excused herself and went to the dressing room to see all her besties nervously sitting in the dressing room. However her big bro Mahi was not there as he was completing some prematch formalities.
"Hii guys" she begun excitedly.
"Hello Nushkie" Virat replied.
"What's with this thick nervous vibes in the room. Get excited boys. This is what you were working hard for the last 2 years or more."
"Everything's fine Anushka but it's hard to not get nervous before such an important match and unfortunately toss also didn't go our way" Ash explained and everyone else nodded. Anushka could sense their increased heartbeats and the loud cheers and support from fans which was meant to uplift their spirits was making them more nervous. Anushka closed all the windows and doors of the locker room to lessen the outside noise.
"Now, All of you just forget for a minute that you have a match in half an hour and close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax." Anushka instructed and they all did the same.
"Don't put extra pressure on you. You all are here because you rightfully deserve to be here. You have earned this opportunity and you are answerable to noone if you are true to your job which you all are. You all had dreamt of this moment for all your life, to make India win a world cup must be your dream for the longest period of time and you guys have the opportunity to do this, you can turn your beautiful dream into the reality. Don't take these cheers and unlimited support as a pressure but as a motivation. With every cheer of your fans you all should put even more effort." Anushka said to everyone and they seemed to get relaxed a bit.
"But di, this is such a big match. What if we couldn't deliver" Yuzi who was the most nervous out of all asked and the team agreed to his question.
"I won't be the ever so optimistic person today. Let's be real and we know that the result can go both ways. This is a match and one team will loose at the end of the day. You guys have already proved yourself by coming this far in the tournament so even if the result doesn't go our way, you'll have the support of your true fans and supporters. All you guys have to do is play at your best potential, so that you won't have the regret ever that you could have done better. If the result doesn't go our way, we will still stand tall together and if it does then it will be the golden moment in Indian cricket and we'll again stand tall." Anushka answered and Yuzi tried to understand. The players were processing Anushka's words and were slowly getting in a better mind space.
"Look guys, toss is something that is never in our hands but doing our best is in our hands so go and give everything you have on the ground playing the game that you all love more than your lives. I and billions of Indians are rooting for you because we know that our team is capable of being the world champions. Go and lift the trophy, boys" As soon as Anushka stopped all the boys rushed to hug her. They literally strangled her but she won't mind it because she loves being strangled by these crazy hugs. The nervousness almost flew off the room and team was looking much more confident now. Mahi who was standing at the door looking at his one kiddo preaching the others and uplifting their spirits was very happy.
"Thank you Anushka for easing my work and how can you even hug without me?"
"Sorry bhai vo hum bhool gye, jaldi aa jao" Rohit said inviting MS to join the hug. Mahi made his way and now all of them including Anushka hugged him. MS knew in the moment that no matter what happens he will treasure these people, this is his team, this is his people, this is his kiddos and he won't let any match break them. The team pulled off the hug and everyone made their way out of the room to sign some important papers before match leaving Anushka and Virat behind to give them some much needed privacy before the match.
"So Ready to Roar, Mr Kohli?" Asked Anushka making Virat chuckle.
"I'll try my best my Miss Sharma" Virat answered. Both of them stood in silence which was comfortable, calming and assuring. They touched their foreheads and closed their eyes to live the moment.
"You can do it. I believe in you, Vee" Anushka said with their foreheads still touched and eyes closed. Virat could hear her heartbeats and feel how honesty her every world held. They hugged each other and Anushka slowly whispered in his ears "All the Best, Vee" and that's all Virat needed before making his way to the ground for national anthem. Anushka joined Kiara in the family box. The match finally started and everyone could feel that this not an ordinary match and how could it be, afterall the world will see another champion after 4 years. Bumrah and Shami started with the ball taking one wicket each in the powerplay but the Kiwis were also a strong team. Kane along with Ross Taylor was going strong and built an amazing 100 runs partnership before Jaddu's breathtaking direct throw that resulted in the dismissal of Kane. The players were throwing themselves on the field giving their 200% and thus restricted Newzealand at 330 runs. This score was not much big but the conditions for batting were going to be very tough in the second innings thus it was going to be a big challenge for the Indian batters to chase this total. The second innings started and Rohit and Shikhar opened for India. They kept on playing well until a bowl hit on Rohit's pad and he was given LBW. Virat joined Shikhar on the ground when the team was on 110 runs. Shikhar and Virat together took the team to 170 runs and then Shikkhi got out making way for Rahul. Rahul got out with just 4 runs in his account and Rishab got in. The team badly needed a partnership at the moment thus Virat and Rishab slowly took the team to 200 runs and later paced up the innings a bit still refraining from hitting a lofty shot. At the team score of 260 Rishab got out and there came the Captain on the ground on the night of finals. Mahi and Virat continued to take team forward and Virat also completed his century when the team crossed 300 runs. He just slightly raised his bat that too when Mahi asked him to do so, because he knew that he was playing for a much greater reason than a century, he was representing India at the biggest tournament and in the biggest match. Mahi and Virat continued to keep the required runrate in check but an amazing maiden over bowled by Boult put the whole pressure on Indian team. Now, it was finally the time for the last over and 12 runs were still needed. The stadium was totally quiet and the nervousness was clear on every person's face. Boult was on fire that day and it was him who will be bowling the last over. Mahi was on the strike. Boult bowled a nice short ball and Mahi pushed the ball to the covers and took one run. Now, Virat was on the strike and the second ball was a beautiful Yorker. Virat somehow managed to not get out, it was that amazing. On the third ball, Virat managed to take 2 runs. With each passing ball, the excitement and suspense level was increasing. This match was turning out to be an amazing thriller. With 3 balls left, 9 runs were still left and Chase master was on the strike. Boult bowled the next ball on the off stump and Virat played his classy cover drive. With these 4 runs, the team now needed 5 runs off two balls which was definitely not going to be easy in front of Boult. He surprisingly bowled a bouncer this time and Virat could only manage to touch his bat and thankfully the bowl crossed the 30 yard circle and they took 2 runs. And now it was the last bowl with 3 runs needed. Just three runs between India and the World Cup title. Virat knew how important the next ball will be. For a moment he got all the flashbacks from his younger academy days to his ranji cricket to his under 19 to IPL finals. He remembered how just one match in IPL ruined the whole tournament for them, he didn't want to give that heartbreak to billions of Indians. He didn't want to break the hopes of those who worship cricket, he didn't want to let his team down, he didn't want his country to not get that world champions title and everything depended on how he plays the next ball. Mahi looked at his Cheeku from other end and he could see what he is going through. He went upto him and slowly tapped on his shoulder and said "Cheeku, this is your moment. Go for it" His words did bring Virat to the present and he just nodded. The stadium was so silent that the racing heartbeats of the fans could be heard clearly and one among them was our very own Nushkie. Anushka with her crossed fingers was even finding it hard to breathe. Other fans just saw the result but she has seen the undying efforts and process because she has been part of the group. She could see her Vee making his way to the crease and she could feel him even through the distance. At the same time Virat looked at her as if asking for the final assurance and she blinked as if telling him that she believes in him. Kane changed the field setting and pushed mostly all the players at the boundary line. Seeing the field placements everyone knew that it will be nearly impossible to hit a four. Virat took his stance and Boult also got ready for his run-up. He bowled a terrific Yorker but this time Virat hit it in the air. The ball landed straight out of the stadium and India won the World Cup. The silent stadium suddenly went all crazy and the dressing room was also a sight to watch with every player screaming. Anushka had tears in her eyes and she couldn't gather herself to feel what just happened. Virat also couldn't understand his emotions but all he could think was to thank the love of his life at this moment. He took his helmet off and blowed a kiss with his bat to Anushka who was clapping with teary eyes. Anushka responded with a smile and a sweet flying kiss. The moment was so magical that she couldn't believe that this is not a fairytale but her own life. The whole scene was so serene and magical that everyone present in the stadium felt the love and purity. Mahi hugged Virat and by the time the whole team was on the ground too hugging and dog piling Virat. Mahi looked at Anushka and gestured her to come down too as he clearly instructed before the match that he needs his whole team together right after the match. Anushka ran down the stairs to the ground and hugged Virat with all the love. She still had those happy tears in her eyes.
"Why these tears?" Virat asked joining their foreheads.
"I'd love to carry these happy tears in my eyes for the rest of my life. I love you" She said and Virat just smiled. The players and fans were witnessing this scene and they were all very happy would be an understatement. Anushka then hugged Mahi and then the rest of the team one by one. They all also did a group hug because they knew they have done it, they have fulfilled their dream, they have won the World Cup. The team then shaked hands with opponents and now the team was moving around the ground with the Tiranga thanking the fans. After half an hour of absolute joy and happiness, the team was finally lined up for the post match presentation. The awards were presented one by one and then finally Harsha Bhogle called for Virat.

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