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Virat's POV:
The next morning, I woke up first. The first thing I saw was Anushka's face. Oh, How i wish to always wake up to her angelic face, that will be my heaven. I saw her sleeping peacefully cuddled up with me, having her head rested on my chest and legs tangled with mine. Seeing this, a smile automatically made its way to my face. Never in my life i thought that I'll be able to again love someone, that I'll have a person that will care for me and love me unconditionally. And here she is. The most amazing, the kindest, the most beautiful, the best human as my love. I saw that she was getting irritated by the sunrays falling on her eyes, so i quickly used my hand as a shield and her lips pulled into a smile automatically. After a while a message popped up on my phone bringing me out of the dreamland and I realised that it's been half an hour since I have been looking at Anushka adoringly, I smiled and leaned to give a kiss to Anushka on forehead. As my lips made a contact with her skin, she slightly opened her eyes and our eyes met.
"Good morning, Vee" She said cheerfully rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning, Nushkie"
As she took her phone from the nightstand, I stood up from bed.
"Shittt!! It's 11 a.m already" Anushka screamed making me stop in my tracks.
"It's just 11. It's okay, Relax. You had a tiring evening." I said giving my best cheerful smile.
"No Vee, it's not. Today's Ro's engagement and there's so much to do. I have to be with Ritika. I need to manage all the outfits and everything. Need to get ready myself as well. I have to meet Rohit also. Oh my God!! How am i going to do this... How did i sleep for so long?" She said freaking out. She is the cutest, I must tell you. She can handle such big projects, companies, manage an insane team so smoothly and can also stress over these minor things.
"Are Are, Don't take so much stress, my girl. Everything's fine. You still have all the time till evening. And moreover, there are lots of people who will help you, so relax, tigress" I said giving out a chuckle.
"Aanhaa, Tigress?... I like it" She said climbing out of the bed and hugging me.
"My tigress" I said placing a kiss on top of her head.

Third Person POV:
Time passed quickly and it was already 6 in the evening. The ladies were gathered around Ritika and the men were with Rohit. After doing Ritika's makeup and hairs, all the girls left her to get dressed in the lehenga and to get themselves ready. The men gathered at the venue. Just after 5 minutes the girl gang also made their way to the party hall except Ritika. When Virat looked at Anushka, he was swept off his feet.
Dressed in a Red Ruffled Saree dress with minimal makeup and accessories and hairs tied in a loose bun, she looked absolutely elegant and gorgeous. Virat stood there with his mouth open and Anushka couldn't help but blush on his reaction.

Virat himself was looking dapper in the Blue suit and Anushka was finding it hard to not stare at him

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Virat himself was looking dapper in the Blue suit and Anushka was finding it hard to not stare at him. As both of them stood in front of each other, they took 30 seconds to perfectly admire the other one's charms.
"You look Amazing" They said together. Anushka blushed while Virat passed a hearty smile on this. Virat offered his hand and Anushka gladly wrapped her hands around his arms. Soon, Ritika also made her way down with her sisters and mother.

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VIRUSHKA: The FairytaleWhere stories live. Discover now