Chapter 25: THE 'NON-DATE'

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Next day:

Anushka's POV:
I and Virat are going for a lunch and to be honest I am excited. However, the reasons behind my excitement are still unknown to me. I woke up a little late than usual today because the team is taking a day off as the next match is after 4 days and I was tired after constant work pressure from last one week. I didn't plan anything for the team today because sometimes unplanned dayouts give you the most relief and the team stays together all the time so they also need to hangout alone or with just 2-3 people or with their non-cricket friends who are in Australia. And the team also agreed to me so noone will be knowing about what the other person is doing today. I picked up my phone and found 5 messages of Virat. These were obvious as I missed the gym. I replied back that I was sleeping and ordered my breakfast. I freshened up and took shower and wore some casual clothes. I decided to facetime Mumma, Arnav and Kiara as it's been long. My breakfast also arrived by the time and I finished it and then facetimed Mumma. Time flies when I talk with them, and the same happened. We talked for more than 1 hour without even realising and then hung up the call. It was 10:30 and I had to meet Virat at 1:00 so I still had time. I finished some work related to the upcoming series and schedules for the players. And it was 12:30 by now. I decided to get ready but today it took not more than 1 minute to decide the dress.. Surprised? ..
It was because I decided to wear the dress Virat gifted me that day.. there can be no better day than today to wear that. I took out the beautiful dress and got ready, did no makeup and tied my hair in a high ponytail. Lastly I took out my googles and locked my room only to find Virat was also locking his room.
“So, ready Ms Sharma? Btw this dress looks good on you”
“Someone gifted it lovingly so it had to look good” I said and I could see him smiling.
“Well then, thanks to that certain someone” he is so good with his words.
We then made our way to lobby and mostly team players were there but why? Didn't I told them to have a day off?
As we reached closer to them and heard them talking. We got to know that they all were about to leave but Rohit has lost his phone somewhere that's why they are still there.
“Anushka, you look good today” said Jassi as soon as I reached there and I and Virat shared a look.
“What do you mean Jassi.. doesn't she look good daily?” these people loves to tease the naive Jassi.
“Thanks Jassi for the compliment. Let's ignore these stupids” I said.
“Anushka, Mahi bhai has already left to meet his old friends so now you only help us.. we were about to leave for our respective planned places but this idiot has lost his phone. What to do now?” Jaddu asked me.
“Ro whom did you called the last and when?” I asked him and he tried to remember but couldn't. He came to me and whispered in my ears “I remember that the last I talked was with Ritika but don't tell them” ohh, so this was the case. I asked him to check his room and to our surprise he found his phone in his wadrobe hidden under his clothes. He got a good lecture from everybody and then they left the hotels.
“Anushka, we should be leaving too.” Virat said.
“Virat, what if people recognise us and click us together. It will only add fuel to the dating rumours.” I expressed.
“Anushka, If we will start getting affected by these people, we won't be able to have a relieved breath in our lives. I don't give a shit about what they think or write and neither does your family and my family. But still if you don't feel good, we can have lunch in the hotel too.” Virat made me understand.
“Noo.. we will go out...We can't stay in forever with the fear of getting clicked.. let's goo” I said excitedly.
“That's like my girl....umm..I mean that's like my friend” Virat corrected himself and we left the hotel.
Virat and I paved our way to the exit of hotel and he asked me if I am comfortable walking and I replied in a positive nod. We were walking having our usual talks. And in no time we reached the restaurant. It was a beautiful, cosy and a welcoming place. There were only few people in the restaurant. We sat on the corner table.
“Virat, this place is so beautiful. And it's so peaceful.” I admired the place.
“Remember miss Anushka, I have the perfect choice.”
“Oh good god. How self obsessed you are.. One compliment and you are over the moon..Come back on land, Virat” I said teasing him
“Shut up..I am not self obsessed.. I appreciate the things that needs to be praised” he countered.
“Oh.. Is that so? I don't think” i said teasing him further.
“Then let me show you now.” he said and I was wondering what he'll say next...
“Miss Anushka Sharma, today you are looking as beautiful as the sky. I wonder how can someone look so effortlessly pretty and amazing everytime. You are beautiful inside out”  I didn't believe what he said. I couldn't think of a reply and my cheeks turned red without my permission. Why the hell was I blushing?

Virat's POV:
Anushka was teasing me that I am self obsessed. She said I don't appreciate things other than me. But that's not true. I thought of appreciating something beautiful around but I couldn't think of anyone other than Anushka. She was looking the most beautiful so I just said what I felt about her. I said straightforwardly and she looked hopeless on my comment. I am sure it must have sounded as if I am flirting but I said the gospel truth. She was blushing hard and all I could do was pass a smile. Before anyone of us could say anything more, the waiter came and asked for the order.
“So, other than blushing, what else will you prefer?” I said yet again being sarcastic.
“Anything will work Mr self obsessed kohli” this girl is great at comebacks. I saw the waiter was enjoying our banter and was hardly controlling his laugh. So, without embarrassing ourselves more, we placed the order.
“It feels so good to be away from work for some time. These breaks are the things I crave for” Anushka expressed happily. The smile was reaching her eyes.
“You overwork Anushka. You manage our training schedules, personal brand commitments, shooting schedules and in the 1 or 2 hours you get free in a day, you get busy with your business work. You deserve breaks and you should have your own free time” I have seen her getting completely drowned in her work so I told her the same.
“I should but I love my work and I have nothing good to do other than my work” Anushka answered.
“Get yourself one boyfriend. Atleast you'll stay away from you work then” I myself don't know why I said this.
“Bad idea.. These things hold no place in my life. I have my friends and one of them is right in front of me to spend my time”
“Anushka, Since you said the same thing in the truth or dare game, I wanted to ask you. What's it that you never had a relationship and also has blocked that path in the future” I said and she looked upset.
“Virat, let's not bring this topic. I want to be happy today. This is not the perfect time or place to talk about that”
I had a lot of questions but the priority is to keep Anushka happy. It's her call to decide when to talk on such topics. So, I just let the topic bury.
“Okay mylord.. Now, what may I do to make you happy?”
“Click my photos. Someone told me I look beautiful today so I must click some photos” I laughed at her words and by then the waiter came with our order.
“May I click your photos after having lunch,mam? ” I seeked her permission jokingly.
“Permission granted. Now let's have lunch” and then we both had our lunch with some more peaceful and funny conversations. We then moved to backside area of the restaurant which was more like a garden to take Anushka's pics. Afterall the location and background in the picture also matters. I took around 100 photos of her and she was not even satisfied with one and moreover also claimed me “the worst photographer”. I love winning titles but surely not this one. After spending some amazing time we decided to return to the hotel.

Anushka's POV:
We had an amazing time together and while returning we both were enjoying the comfortable silence before Virat decided to break it with his words.
“Anushka, To be honest we as a team are very lucky to have you. I saw how you kept the environment in the team cheerful after the first loss. Thank you is such a small word for all you do for us. And the best are the conversations we had before the match. I could have totally ruined the match.”
“I only do the things that I love. I love seeing my team cheerful, happy and positive. Thus you need not to thank me for that. And coming to you, as far as I remember we are friends so you better not say thanks” I replied and he smiled.
“You know, I was very stupid to think that you would be same as our previous manager. That's why I even behaved rudely with you in your initial days. You are a blessing indeed” Virat said.
“ that's why I had to deal with the ‘Arrogant Kohli’ on the first day. ” I said and he smiled sheepishly.
“And one thing I want to ask you you have a nickname?” he asked out of nowhere.
“Are, I can't say your big name everytime. I call all my friends with a nickname so tell me if you have one?”
He is such a kid.
“No. I don't have any nickname”
“Thank god. Now I will choose one for you” he started thinking...
“Anu....umm no... it's so boring..
Nush....this doesn't sound cool.
What about Nushka? Nah, it's also not giving me vibes” Virat was talking to himself.
“Virat, will you let me choose. You are yourself selecting and then rejecting the name....”
“I can't choose any nickname. I have to find the best one.....ummm....yaay, i got one.” he screamed in happiness.
“Virat, calm down, we are on the road. And what's the nickname?” I asked.
“Nushkie...and no discussion..this is the best. It feels so ‘apna’” he said and I passed him a smile. So, from here on I am Nushkie for Virat..... He is right, it feels so good. In no time we reached our hotel and then straight to our rooms. We had an amazing day and there's no doubt on that.

Good morning people... ❤️❤️
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