Hoping the place still held its old role, we entered the building. It smelled excrement and horses. The boxes lined up the building, as the majestic animals neighed due to our presence. My eyes wandered in the place that didn't seem to change too much, still dark and nauseating. I ran towards the back of the stable, I remembered last time I put my feet in this place, I saw a young foal. It should be older, now.

I looked for it in the horseboxes, but I didn't find any white horse.

"Hey Evelyn! I'm still here, remember?" Styles woke me up from my excitement. I turned towards him with the largest smile I ever had on my face. He reluctantly approached me, removing the sunglasses from his eyes.

"Oh of course. Sorry, the last time I had been touching a horse was when Zayn took me to the equestrian center, last year." I murmured, seeing the horses became a bit nervous when we entered. I came closer to old-looking animal, holding out my hand. This one was overly nervous so I brushed its mane with the palm of my hand. The animal progressively calmed down to my stroke. When it stopped neighing, I slowly pulled myself away, turning towards Styles.

His eyes were stuck on me and a weird grin crept on his lips.

"What?" I questioned, astonished with his odd face.

"I've never seen your eyes sparkle this way." He revealed, looking at the horse. His hands were shoved in his pockets. "So I bet you love riding a lot, how did you start?"

"Oh, we had choices for our extra-curricular classes in Rosenberg school: riding, dancing or sewing. All I wanted was to go out of the mansion and I chose riding. But I ended up liking it, actually." I said, remembering my first days of equestrian classes.

"Whoa. I didn't expect you to like horses. Mrs. All Clean." He mocked, crossing his arms above his strong chest.

"Some dirt doesn't kill." I said, stroking the head of the animal one more time, to his astonishment.

"I thought you had too high standards to like this sport. I'd have said you were just more into um... how to act like a witch classes." He joked, sticking his tongue at me.

If I didn't want to laugh, I'd have given him a good slap on his cheek. However, how could I even think of slapping him as he made me laugh?

"Sorry for my reaction, you're just surprising me a lot these last days." His voice hissed, breaking the few inches of space between us. I could clearly see his intentions through his intense gaze.

I wanted to kiss him, over and over again. May his lips never leave mine! At the precise moment, his lips were within arm's reach. They were a delicious temptation to which I would let myself give in. His arm slowly wrapped around my waist, making me chuckle slightly.

"I didn't know I was that surprising." I admitted, snaking my arms around his prominent neck.

"Hey you!" Someone yelled in an alerting tone. I spun around, unfolding my arms from his neck. My head flicked towards the door where an elderly man stood holding a shotgun. A dog followed him, excessively barking.

As the man pointed the weapon towards Styles and I, my heart jolted with fear. I held my breath in nervousness, but Styles grabbed my hand. He pulled me behind him to protect me from any harm. I wasn't too scared of the man to hold Styles until he wouldn't breathe. My hand only remained in the palm of his. I peeked at the angry man, upon Styles' shoulder.

"What are you doing here? It's a private property!"

"We're just-" Styles tried to explain, but the man stepped in, approaching the gun closer to us. He was cut off when the man started to talk in another language. Surely, some curse words to express his infuriation.

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