Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes as I found them stuffed into a box of cereal, them knowing I never ate that stuff. I took them with a glass of water and walked back to Harry. "Sorry that was just work," He told me and I shrugged it off. "That has been the same lousy excuse you have been using for the past month since we got back," I shrieked and we both looked at each other.

"It's some fancy model again aye? Going after models now since I'm not there at work anymore? Only because I give up modelling doesn't mean I'm not famous anymore," I yelled at with throwing my hands up in the air. "I gave it up to be around for Kiki, since I'm her mother now. I gave it up to be with you, since I love you too much to even care about myself," I fell down on my knees, laughing and crying at the same time.

Harry was still sitting at the couch without any movement. "You aren't the same old Harry anymore. Yes you still are a huge flirt but once you are having a baby and having a child and when you were going to marry the woman you love you still bloody flirt and cheat and do for god sakes what else!" Snapping at him wasn't probably the smartest move of me but I did it anyway. "Lola calm down. You are high," Harry quietly responded.

"Of course I am high. It's the only thing that keeps me working nowadays," I chuckled as I stood up making a few pirouettes. "You are becoming an addict," Harry mumbled and my eyes shot over to his. "I am not," I shot back, refusing to listen about what he was saying. "Yes. Yes you are Lola," I desperately shook my head. "Don't tell me what I am," "Lola, please. Just calm down," He asked again.

"Do you even care? I like being like this, it makes me feel alive. Do you want me to jump again? To fail at being a mother for Kiki, AGAIN? I mean we tried, right? But it doesn't work out because you are a flirt, it's your thing. I get it Haz," I met his eyes and I saw him getting something out of his pocket, the same black box. "Lola, please come sit here," He begged me and I gave up. Within seconds I sat down next to him, crying my eyes out.

Harry gave me a passionate kiss on the lips, making it so deep and passionate by just holding my face in his large hands. "Lolibear," He mumbled against my lips, my eyes still closed trying to enjoy this very moment. "You are an addict," I shook my head. "It's even worse then cheating, maybe not from your point. But you could die of being like this," I felt something creating in my throat as I opened my eyes to meet his watery green ones.

"We tried to make the best of it, but for now we can't," Harry opened the box and let me see a silver necklace with on it the ring. "I don't understand," I whispered as he placed the necklace around my neck. "I will love you for a thousand years. I do love you Lolibear," His lips lingered on mine for a second. "You will wear it once we are ourselves again. Once I am back to my old self without cheating and all the crap I've done and once you aren't an addict anymore. We will be together, you will be wearing that ring on your hand. Just not like this. We ruin ourselves with doing this to each other," Harry spoke and my hands found their way to his face.

"I will love you for a thousand years," We both said at the same time, getting into our last kiss for a very long time. "Please, try," Harry begged me as I stood up. "You know I never listen," With that I ran out of the house, getting into the nearest cab that took me to Niall's apartment.

I knocked on the door, desperate to see my baby. I was crying uncontrollably. I couldn't stop it because it was over. Harry and I were over. "Lolibe- Babe, why are you crying?" I stumbled inside and fell into Niall's arms. "It's over Ni," He stroked my back and let me sit down on the couch.

"I am an addict and I can't handle it anymore," I cried. "Everyone knows that," I frowned and looked up to see Zayn, when did he got here? "Where is Kiki? I want to see her," I told them and Zayn shook his head. "You can't see her now. Not yet," My lips felt dry, what were they doing?

"Why?" I muttered standing up but only to fall back on the couch again. "You took the drugs and now you are high. You can't see her when you are high Lola," I frowned again, not quite sure what they meant. "You aren't allowed to see her today. If you take drugs tomorrow, you aren't allowed to see her tomorrow and that goes for every other day. Drugs mean no Kiki," Niall sternly said to me.

Then it hit me, they were taking her away from me. "No. You can't do that. Not to me and not to her!" I screamed jumping up. "Calm down," Zayn told me as Niall was going to grab my hands.

Everything was going in slow motion. When Kiki ran into the room my eyes were fixed on her, I had to hug her one last time for today because I was too weak to try right now. "Mummy!" She screamed as Zayn went forward to hold her but I pushed him away leaning down to take her in my arms. "I'm so sorry," I sobbed and Kiki wrapped her arms around me as I held her close to my body. "I am so, so sorry," I cried and I kissed her cheeks.

I may have been high, but I knew how she felt. She felt just like I did, broken and alone. I understood that what I was doing was so out of order, but I couldn't stop. I couldn't help it. I had to try. I had to try to get better. My life without Kiki would be empty and bare and I couldn't live with that. "Lola. Let her go," I tried to tune them out but it wasn't really working. I wouldn't let my baby go.

"Lola, do you hear me? Let Kiki go," Niall's voice sounded and Kiki pressed her lips against my cheek. "I love you baby," I whispered as I let her go and Zayn got a hold of her taking her away from me. I let tears fall down my cheeks as Zayn departed with Kiki. He had finally done it. He had taken my baby away from me.

Niall picked me up and placed me on his bed a few minutes later. As he turned to walk away, I gripped onto his wrist. "I want you to stay Niall," I whispered. He nodded and climbed onto the bed beside me. Instinctively, I curled inwards towards him and his arms wrapped around me in a loving embrace.

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