Chapter 46: the end is near.

Start from the beginning

freddy told gregory that he had to head to the west arcade security office to get it repaired


he arrived at the west arcade. he saw the DJ but at that time he was asleep, which gregory was relieved about because he was already having a hard time with robots already chasing him he didnt need a Giant spider DJ chasing him too.

he found the security office with no main problems

but of course it couldn't be that easy

the secuirity system found out he was there and he was now locked out. he had to reset the breakers to restore power to the west arcade so he could reapair the bot head.

he found one of the breakers near the dance for which he wouldve been happy with if he didnt realize that the DJ was now missing from the dance floor.

he sighed realizing it was not going to be easy

he found two of the breakers and then went to find the last one. it was in the area that you went to play the second princess quest game. when he turned on that breaker he started running too the security office because the DJ had come out of a tunnel and started chasing him thinking he was an intruder.

moon was actually checking out that area for you when he saw Gregory. he saw the DJ chasing him. remembering what you asked of them he swooped down and took Gregory to the security office to repair the bots head 

"What was that thing?!"

"that was the DJ. he's very...protective of the west arcade..."

gregory growled

"protective more like murderous."

"the DJ is actually really nice, he normally doesn't act like that. But he is protective of his arcade."

Gregory growled at moon and moon smacked the back of his head

"hurry up and fix that bot head. the faster your out of here the faster I can go back to looking for my starlight."

Gregory rolled his eyes and put the bot in a machine to repair it.

once it was repaired; moon made sure Gregory made it to the elevator safely then went off to look for you again.


Gregory made it back to Roxy's raceway and attached the head to the body of the go kart assistant bot. Gregory got in and started driving. Roxy saw him and jumped in front of him on the track. Gregory then spun the wheel really hard then jumped out of the kart as it rolled straight into Roxy crashing into her. she momentarily shut down and when Gregory found her he collected her eyes and started walking away to go upgrade Freddy.

she turned back on after a few seconds and started going for Gregory again. she couldn't see but she had very good hearing she could hear him and would chase him based on the sound he made. like running. Gregory used that to his advantage. He led Roxy into a room where everything was on fire. she kept running into fire. some of her casing, hair, and tail was ruined in the fire. Gregory snuck out by a nearby vent.

Everybody meets back up in parts and service. none of them had found you yet.

Gregory installed Roxy's eyes into Freddy while sun and Bonnie watched

soon he finished and released Freddy

"how are your new eyes?"

"I am having trouble adjusting. you look different to me. I can see movement through the walls!"

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