Creep (Birthday Special #2)

Start from the beginning

"...You're so very special.." He was special..

"...I wish I was special..." She wasn't.

Everyone claps for her as she tried her best to stand up from the chair. She smiles, "Thank you so much."


"Hey, Kathryn right?" He drops himself on the chair in front of her, her tensed figure gripping the edge of the table.

He looked good in a white long sleeve polo-- which he folded just up to his elbows-- but her mind told her that he just looks good every single day.

She never really thought that he'd come up to her-- Why would he? She was basically nothing but a girl with a decent voice-- or so she thought.

"..... Hi..." She mumbles softly, bringing the book up to her face, desperately trying to hide her reddening face.

Chuckling loudly, he just shakes his head as he places the hot coffee on the table. "Could I sit here?"

She just gave him a thumbs up. He chuckles even more. She's adorable.

That was one thing about her; she's adorable. Too adorable for her own good. The way she acts so innocently, it was just too irresistible.

"I'm Daniel." He speaks, taking a quick sip. She lowers the book slightly, squinting her eyes before completely placing the book down her lap. "Um... Kathryn..." Biting her lower lip, "But you knew that already."

He smiles. "How could I not? You have a beautiful voice...." He shrugs, "....and you're really beautiful too."

Daniel smiled even wider, she was blushing so hard. "Uh...... thanks." She sinks back to the seat, smiling awkwardly.

Everyone in the room seemed to be looking at them as they passed by, she could hear them whispering softly. They knew who the guy was. Okay, who wouldn't? He's ridiculously famous!

"Am I invading your personal space?"

"Nah, I'm just not used with having people around me..." He looked confused, "....I mean, like, talking to other people other than my family, some of my friends, and the crew..."

"Is that so?" As soon as she nods, he smiles. "Can I be your friend then?"

Kathryn plays with her fingers, something she normally does when she's nervous. "Uh.... tell me about yourself."

"For starters, I don't usually go to clubs, but when you started playing there........" He winks, laughing as she squints her eyes.

"There's nothing much about me..... I guess you'll have to find more about me as the friendship goes on......."

"Oh, and it's my birthday today." He said that as if it was nothing really important. "What?! Oh Gosh, Happy Birthday then! Aren't you supposed to celebrate with your family?"

Daniel shakes his head. "I'd rather spend it with you." He smiles cheekily, making her turn crimson.

Daniel holds out his hand, "Friends?"

"Well, with your choice of words just a few minutes ago, it seems as if you seek something more than what you're asking for right now.."

He hums quietly as his eyebrows danced. "Yep.... but let's start of with friends......"

She takes a deep breath. "... But I'm a creep........ I'm a weirdo....." She sang. Daniel chuckles, ".... What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here...." He claps, still chuckling as she shyly covers her face.

"You're not a creep, and you're not a weirdo either......" He says smilingly, shaking his head. ".... I really like you... and your version of the song...."

"Oh, thank you." She replies.

"Good thing I requested that song......" Her eyes widened in shock.

"You're the one who requested that song?" He nods softly, flipping his hair to the side.

His hair....... it looks so soft......... it's like screaming 'touch me'........

He was saying something but the words seemed to come into one ear and immediately out of the other.

It was as if he noticed....... he stopped talking, looking at her as her gaze was entirely on his incredibly soft-looking hair....

Daniel smirks, ruffling it with his fingers, showing her how soft it was as it falls back into place. "Are you listening to me, Kath?" She nods, still out of focus.

"Are you sure?" She nods again.

"My hair looks so touchable, eh?" She nods..... seconds later, she shakes her head in embarrassment. "Uh..... I mean...."

"It's fine." He shows off a toothy smile, "I get that a lot."

They stayed silent for a few minutes, only leaving him to bring up what he was saying.

"As I was saying--but you weren't listening--" He smiles tenderly as she rolled her eyes. She was so damn adorable. "I never expected that you'd know the song."

"Well, I happen to like that song ever since-It never had so much meaning though."

"Hmm....... Do you wanna know why I requested that particular song?"

She thinks for a moment, "Because it was a great song?"

"Yea, that was one of the reasons, but there's something else."

She thinks again, "Fine, I give up. Why did you request that particular song?"

"Because of you. Because I'm a creep for you."


I'm a creep for you, beybeh XD HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL

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