Chapter 2

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                               Onyx's POV
I heard yelling and woke up.

They're fighting again?

Are they both drunk this time?

I walked out of my room and immediately went to check on Marionette. I saw she wasn't in there and my heart started racing.


I ran around the house looking for her. My brother was sleeping in his room with his headphones on. I went in his room and looked around.

Where the hell is she?

I heard something shatter and started running. I found Marionette in the corner crying. I ran up to her. I didn't notice I was stepping on glass until I got to her. I picked her up.

"What the hell man?!"

I couldn't understand what he was saying because of how drunk he was. I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I started picking the glass out of my feet.

I fucking hate this house!

If he's the reason my daughter gets taken away I'll fucking end him!

After a while the yelling stopped. I was able to get Marionette back to sleep. I wasn't able to do that. I just sat on her bed and watched her sleep. In the morning I wasn't in the mood to even leave the house. I went to my brother's room and went to wake him up. I saw he was already getting dressed.

"Did you hear what happened last night?"



I shut his door then went back to Marionette's room.

"MJ? Let's go see Aunt Tyty."

After a few seconds she woke up. I got her ready then I got ready. After me, her, and Alex were in the car, I started driving. At my sister's house I took Marionette out of her car seat and brought her to the front door. I knocked. A dude opened the door.

"Uh who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Tyla's boyfriend Patrick."

"Oh. I'm one of her brothers. I guess she didn't tell you I was dropping off my little one."

"Um how old are you?"


"And you have a kid?"

"I don't care who you are. If you piss me off I'll drop you!"

I saw my sister running to the front door.

"Ty if this guy hurts you or Mari he's dead."

"I'm not scared of you."

" fucking should be."

"Boys it's too early for this."

I rolled my eyes.

"Be good for your aunt. I'll check on you later. I love you."

"Love you!"

I handed her to my sister then walked to my car. I got in and dropped my brother off at school. At my school I parked my car then dragged myself into the building. I went up to my locker and saw my friend Nolan was waiting.

"What do you want?" I said as I opened my locker.

"Damn. What's up with you?"

"Fucking Mason again. Scared the hell outta MJ."

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